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Alright everyone! Welcome back to Fun Fact Friday #2, and today we're talking about... *cue drum roll please!*

Okay, I know this is one of my latest books, but it's the first love story I've written

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Okay, I know this is one of my latest books, but it's the first love story I've written. It's an AU with Peter Parker and Michelle Jones, one of my OTP's, if you've read it then cool, if you haven't, then click off and read before coming back to read this. Anyway, moving on to the facts. First fun fact: Lover was originally going to be based off of Taylor's song Me! From her album Lover.

However, I realized it was going to be a love story so I changed the format. If I had my iPad (Which is broken and needs fixed.), I'd so you actual proof of the format in my notes. Maybe I'll update this in the future and show you, so moving onto the ✨characters✨.

Character #1: PETER PARKER

Peter's personality isn't really different in the book, he's pretty much the same like in the films

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Peter's personality isn't really different in the book, he's pretty much the same like in the films. There wasn't much of a change, maybe besides him being really tech savvy (unlike Tom), and he got pretty jealous of when Brad and MJ were hanging out.

That was hard to write, as Peter isn't really the jealous type. He's usually a sweetheart, who is definitely oblivious to MJ's feelings, just like how he was in Far From Home. Considering I've never been in a relationship or have had my first kiss yet, I'm surprised this book has done as well as it has.

It currently has 5k reads and 196 votes, so if you haven't, go read it. Oh, and for the majority of you who don't understand what AU means; Here's the rundown: AU means Alternate Universe, so in the book Peter isn't a superhero, neither is Tony, but it's more based on Today's technology.

Sure, Instagram is based in today's pop culture, but the MCU is different. Maybe Instagram is different there, I also somewhat based the characters on the actors that play them. For example, we all know Tom is a great person, he's kind, smart, charismatic, hilarious, and in general he's awesome.

So I didn't really have to change anything about his personality. He and Peter Parker are the same person in one body, but Tom swears more lol.

Character #2: MICHELLE 'MJ' JONES

MJ's personality is a little different if you compare her to the movie version of her

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MJ's personality is a little different if you compare her to the movie version of her. She's more social in the book, whereas in the movies she's an introvert, has dark humor, and doesn't seem to be interested in Peter until FFH. Though she has dark humor in the book, it's vague, and she's had a crush on Peter for a while.

And just like Peter her personality was based on Zendaya's, Zendaya is bold, doesn't take anyone's crap, and is overall a queen. MJ is a little more toned down, but she's cool and someone you'd want to be friends with. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that.

Another thing, if you notice, MJ is best friends with Liz and Betty. Not many other Spideychelle AU's have be friends with them, I wanted to include them because I wanted to switch up and be different from other writers and books. As you can see they literally go to Paris, a destination they didn't even go to in FFH. (🤣)

There were many subtle nods to the movies, but the entire book was literally built on Taylor's song Lover, which is one of my favorite songs. I love the entire album, it may be my favorite one so far, and don't get me started on the re do's she's working on cause I'll literally explode.

Either way, stan Tom Holland, Zendaya, and Taylor Swift for clear skin 😌💅, I once again hope you enjoyed this second Fun Fact Friday. I'm Mia, signing off, over and out my internet peeps! 😁

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