I was tagged by @LifeCanSuck

26 3 12

1. LifeCanSuck

2. Hmm... Well (1. I'm a writer, (2. I'm obsessed with Stranger Things, (3. I have two build-a-bears named Captain Berica & Iron Bear (No ones too old to have stuffed animals), (4. I'm learning to speak French, (5. I've met 4 of the Stranger Things actors, (6. I've been to 3 new states this year, (7. I want become a baker when I'm older, (8. I've read all of the dork diaries series, (9. I'm currently writing some new books that I might post in the future, (10. I can foul the English/British people because my accent is that good (not to brag or anything)

3. fanfunstuff
That's all who I am tagging 🤣 I apologize if you didn't want to volunteer as tribute (if you get this reference thank you)

4. Ugh... I suck at jokes!!! I'm gonna cheat and tell you a funny story instead hopefully you find it funny if you do comment. Anyway a friend of ours came over and we were talking about New York City. Here's the convo,

Me: I wanna go to New York City and eat their cheesecake

My sister: Why don't you just go to giant eagle they've got New York style cheesecake

Our friend: I think Mia wants it from from New York to see if it's better than the one at giant eagle

My sister: Then giant eagle is a fraud by stealing New York cheesecake

Me: m/s/n they probably ship the cheesecake to giant eagle

(M/s/n is my sisters name I'm not allowed to give it away so yeah)

My sister: Aka stealing

Our friend: It's not stealing if they're giving us the cheesecake m/s/n 😂

Me: How did this conversation turn from wanting to eat cheesecake in New York to giant eagle is a fraud 😂

For the next several minutes we spent laughing at my sister's logic at the time she was 10 now she's 11 that was a few months ago. Honestly I don't know how that conversation took that turn. 😂

5. Well I can't spoil Sokovian Siblings but I can tease at the one shot I'll be posting next Wednesday.

Peter has a crush on someone and it isn't Mj or Liz so...who could it be? Tony asked himself that very question and decided to investigate. The only thing I can spoil is it's based on a few of my friends on Wattpad.

6. I didn't know there were rules

7. ✔️

8. ✔️

I had fun doing this tag honestly it's been a while since I've been tagged I haven't exactly been having a good week guys I don't know when I'll be better but when I am I'll tell you I promise.

Anyway this is Mia signing off over and out my internet peeps!!! 💜

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