I was tagged by Spiders_here

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1. Mention who tagged you. ✔️

2. Do it in less than 3 days. ✔️

3. Say ten things about yourself ✔️

Fact #1: I'm afraid of bats and birds.

Fact #2: I have severe asthma.

Fact #3: I've never once in my life have broken a bone.

Fact #4: I don't get a sugar rush when I eat sweets, once when I was five I think I had a donut from Dunkin Donuts and ate it, then my mom gave me a second one and I took one bite and fell asleep.

Fact #5: I have worn glasses ever since I was 8 years old.

Fact #6: Whenever I get sick I'm the worst out of all my family, my immune system sucked when I was little, because I was constantly getting sick. Now I rarely get sick and when I do I always feel like I'm dying.

Fact #7: I've gotten so bored in quarantine that I'm actually watching tea spilling YouTube videos.

Fact #8: I became a Stranger Things fan in 2018, three years after the first season aired on Netflix.

Fact #9: I have a childhood stuffed animal it's a bear and he smells like cocoa, I got him when I was born he is 17 years old and currently sitting on my shelf.

Fact #10: I hate horror movies except the IT franchise.

4. Tag 28 people. ❌ not doing that.

5. Tell a joke. My sense of humor is non existent, so... I can't, sorry.

6. Write a spoiler for one of your stories. I'll actually give you guys a little sneak peek into my murder mystery book!

It was a cold rainy afternoon in September. Much less fun without the sun shining and everyone out and about. Scott Blair, a fifteen year old boy was sitting in his room at his bay window reading the tales of Sherlock Holmes. Whilst his mother and father were downstairs and his sister just across the hall.

(Ta da! That's the first bit of the prologue!)

7. Put these rules in tag. ✔️

Hope you guys learned a little more about me, if you knew these then cool, if you didn't well, now you do! Anyway I'm Mia signing off.

Over and Out my internet peeps! ☺️💕

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