I was tagged by @piper_barnes_

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I KC *points to self* was tagged by piper_barnes_

1. Mention who tagged me well i just did so check

2. I got tagged yesterday so i think i'm good

3. 10 things about me? Alright,

1. I'm obsessed with Stranger Things

2. I can speak sign language but only the alphabet

3. I can sing in Korean because i listening to K-pop

4. I have autism if you want to know that is it'll be in my next rant

5. I love superhero's

6. My friends have given me three different nicknames: Lil bean, Cap, and K.C undercover

7. I love watching the stars at night

8. I like dancing when i'm by myself and no ones watching

9. If i was a CSI i'd be Sherlock Holmes cause i can solve problems pretty fast and i can guess how and who dies

10. I hate amusement parks

4. Tag 28 people? How about four


5. Tell a joke? okay i got one!

*sits down at a table with a card* what does Finn Wolfhard do when he's made a good joke?

He drops the Mike. *flings card away*

Finn Wolfhard plays Mike Wheeler on Stranger Things if you didn't know and if you've never seen stranger things then you haven't lived and that's the tea.

6. Write a spoiler for a story? Um i can't sorry my Sokovian fans!

Anyway hope you enjoyed reading this.

Over and Out my internet peeps!!! 💜

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