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Hello everyone! And welcome back to another Fun Fact Friday, today we're going to be talking about, drum roll please! *cue drum roll*

(I don't have a GIF unfortunately)

Honestly, this is the one book I am not proud of, it's my first original story. And to say it's a chaotic disaster, it's a freaking disaster. In my opinion, unless you read it and like it then cool, the whole premise of the story is about a girl named Elena Creed, who is a teenager and is going through high school with her friends and is trying to figure out how to handle her relationships. (With her crush and stuff.)

Of course there are going to be spoilers for Change, so if you haven't, go read it and tell me what you think. BE HONEST PLEASE AND THANK YOU!!! Don't worry I won't be mad if you hate it.

Currently it has 277 reads and 47 votes, so to say the least it's my weakest book. I may end up getting rid of it or something I don't know. I've gotten a lot better at writing and creating more stories, but honestly I don't even know what I was thinking about when writing that book. I guess I wanted people to relate to my characters and whatnot but I don't think I did it correctly.

Moving on to the ✨characters✨ (I'm not doing GIF's simply because I don't want to lol.)

Character #1: ELENA CREED

Elena is the main character her faceclaim is Amandla Stenburg. She is a smart, kind, nerdy girl. And has a crush on her best friend, yes I know, I'm cliché lol. Elena has a brother named Anthony portrayed by Tyler Jackson Williams, who isn't in the story that much. And honestly... I must've been out of my mind when writing that book lol.

Elena isn't a complex character, not like my other characters I've implemented into the MCU stories and stuff. But she is something she's somewhat like me, but not at the same time?

Character #2: HENRY PARKER

Henry is another main character, his faceclaim is Tom Holland, he's the what Tik Tok girls would call a soft boi. He's also Elena's crush, Henry is really smart, he lives with his dad who is a single dad. I don't think I said if his mom was sick and passed away, or she and Henry's dad were divorced. He also has a great group of friends.

He's mostly Elena's shoulder to lean on, they've known each other since they were little. And if anything happened to her he'd beat himself up over it.

Character #3: SIMON ANDREWS

Simon is the somewhat typical jock of the group, his faceclaim is Nick Robinson, Simon is the funny guy of the group, he's the one who's always cracking a joke but is serious in a serious situation. Kind of like Sokka from Avatar The Last Airbender, if you make him mad he'll kill you, no repercussions.


Willow is considered the "Gossip Girl" of the school, knowing everything about everyone, no doubt she'd be the girl having a secret blog and spilling the tea on students or the faculty. Her faceclaim is Yara Shahidi. Willow is usually the one friend you go to with your secrets and she'll take it to her grave, knowing full well that whatever secret you told her could blow up everything.


Christina is the therapist friend, the girl you'll vent to with all of your problems, sooner or later you'll have to pay for her services. Her faceclaim is Emily Rudd, Christina is the real cinnamon roll in my opinion, and I think if Elena wasn't the main character, Christina would be.

Character #6: STANLEY JACOBS

And finally, Stanley! Stanley is the quiet boy, training to become a chef, he's also gay, (I probably should've fixed everything in this book.) Stanley is the no filter guy of the group when he wants to be. His faceclaim is Asa Butterfield. Stanley will end your career with anything if you say a sliver of bad towards his friends. I honestly wish I had a Stanley, I may already have one.

To be honest, this book is... all over the place, I think it's rushed and needed to be longer, 15 chapters isn't enough to tell the full story. I may edit it in the future, but there are no promises. Anyway as always I hope you enjoyed another Fun Fact Friday, this is Mia, signing off. Over and out my internet peeps! 😁

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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