Chapter 4

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Ok so first of, I'm terribly sorry that I didn't update for so long.

My mom took the laptop and I coudn't write any further.

So please don't kill me.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy.


Silver P.o.v

Everything was black and cold.

Where am I?

Is this death?

No. This isn't death.

Well where are we then Fade?

We're unconscious. Before we wake up though, we have to pass a test.

A test? What kind of test?

When wolves get tossed into the river, they have to prove themselves worthy, before they can join another pack again.

Ok what do I Have to do?

I'm sorry Silver. You will have to keep quiet.

What's so bad on keeping quiet?

You don't understand. You can't let a sound of pain escape your lips because you will feel every single wound you had and will have. It is very cruel to put a wolf through this and that's the reason other packs don't toss their wolves into the river to cast them out.

Ok then. How long will it last?

Thankfully only a minute but I have to warn you. Special wolves will feel the pain much stronger than average wolves.

Well what is so special about me other than I am a red wolf?

You'll find out soon enough. We are running out of air. I will give you 30 seconds to prepare yourself. It will start with the earliest and end with the last wounds.

Well look at the bright side.

I now know why we were forbidden to drink out of the river.

I prepared myself.

This couldn't be so bad could it?

I mean I never screamed in pain once in my life so why now?

Then I felt the first injury.

Well this wasn't that bad.

But why was the pain so intense?

The next injury followed.

The first years weren't that bad, but then the years after my parents' death came.

By now I figured why the pain was so intense and strong.

The whole I am special thing.

Over the years I learned just to ignore the pain but in this case it was pretty hard.

I felt all the injuries my pack and family gave me.

I felt the whiplashes I got when I was 6.

I felt the claw marks on my back that my brother gave me when I was 7.

The scars were still on my back.

The bruises that my pack gave me everyday appeared back on my body but this time they didn't go away.

Fade? Why don't the bruises go away?

It's because you have to many of them. The process only heals the important and major injuries. Your life has been so full of them that you can't heal properly.

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