Chapter 15

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I was carried into a room, where I was laid down on the bed.

After a few minutes of excruciating pain, the doctor came in to look at me.

I faintly heard her say to my dad:" I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do for her. The pain will eventually go away, but there's no way of telling how long it will last."

So the pain will last until my mate is done having sex with my sister?


From what I have heard, cause Wood is an extreme well known player, he, you know, lasts, very long.

Just my luck.


After about 20 minutes, the pain reached a whole new level again, until it slowly subsided.

When it was finally done, I looked around for the first time.

It was a normal hospital room.

Plain white walls, very boring if you ask me, but there where 2 things that caught my eye.

One, the ceiling looked like it was the sky, which is very unusual since it was a hospital room.

Second, there was a girl laying in a bed, looking at me, and scaring the shit out of me in the process.

But because luck isn't on my side today,

Yeah no shit.

i fell of the bed.

When I got back up, the girl just started talking like nothing just happened!

Did she not see what happened a second ago?

Well apparently not.

"Hey there! I'm soft doe, that dances in the rain. What's your name?"

I didn't have a chance to respond to her question, because she just started talking again.

"What happened to you? When you came in, you twitted as if you where in pain, but I didn't see any wound. The doctor even said that she can't help you."

Ok this girl is defiantly on some medication right now.

Yeah, no shit sherlock.

Oh why thank you sergeant sarcastic.

I was once again brought out of my conversation by Soft Doe, who just started talking again.

"Hey, would you like to be my friend? I don't have any friends because people think I'm weird. And you seem like a weird person too cause you don't seem to talk very much so we can just be weird together!"

She seems... intresting.

But I like weird people.

I like to call myself one.

So why not?

I don't have any girl friends.

Fade what do you think?

I'm batman.

What has that got to do with anything?


But Fade?


Always remember, Marvel comics is the best.

"Yeah I would like that Soft Doe"

Her eyes grew super wide and she jumped out of bed to hug me, which she succeeded in, but we fell over.

We looked into each others eyes, and bursted out laughing.

In that moment Wildfire, dad and Ambereye walked in.

The look on their face was priceless, which threw us in another fit of laughter.

I mean shure, we probably looked pretty crazy, rolling on the floor sounding like retarded hyenas, with tears streaming down their...


I understand now.

Still hilarious though.

"What happened here?", Wildfire asks.

"Oh I just made a new friend beta. Wait. What was you name again?"

I grinned like an idiot.

"My name is Silverfur. The one who sings alone."

She gasped.

"OMG! That is a very pretty name! Wait. What is that smell?"

Weirdly enough, Ambereye didn't say anything the whole entire time.

I mean, even dad laughed once or twice.

I looked at him, but he was just staring at Soft doe.


Is it what I think it is?

Well there's online way to find out.

Hold my earrings Fade.

This is gonna get ugly.

I know. This is gonna be good. WHERE'S MY POPCORN?!!!!!!


Oh well.


That seemed to snap him out of his trance cause the next moment he said something which made me grin like the joker from batman.



OOOOhh what will happen next?

I'm sorry that this was a little short but I will work on the next chapter immediately.

But until then,

stay thirsty my friends

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