Chapter 1: Where it all starts

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In an Isolated village surrounded by high hills.

A green-haired boy is seen sitting under a tree with his eyes closed, relaxing as he let himself be one with nature. Not moving an inch apart for a few movements of scratching his nose etc.

Gren the green-haired boy. What a weird name to call a child. Given the fact he has lime green hair and eyes which was already unnatural as it is. 

Already at the age of 7, he can converse quite well and is even considered smart due to other children only being able to speak in simple terms compared to him.

He learned that his great great great grandfather, Vetex. A master of magic. He soon learns that this world has magic from his parents.

Magic in this world was quite interesting. You have two types of magic. One uses the power of the 7 elementals while the other is more into strengthening one's physical attributes called Skills. 

These Skills are only able to be used by a minority of people. Most of them are soldiers or people who fight or even those who help in everyday chores like lifting heavy objects. 

Most of them become adventurers or being in the military due to skills being more effective in combat.

Elemental Magic or Magic in simple terms are considered quite Rare more than people who can use Skills. There are a total of 7 elemental types. 

They are Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light and Shadow. Lightning the last elemental type is the rarest of all the 7 types. There are only a handful of Lightning users at any time in the world.

Lightning is the strongest type of magic. Being as destructive as Fire and Earth, fast as Light and Shadow and as controllable as Water and Wind.

(Controllable "Casting Speed" means how easy it is to control an element. You can make a shield using Fire and Water but it takes an incredibly short amount of time for Water while Fire takes longer)

[Element Ranking stats]

Earth is 1st in destructive, 6th in speed and 4th in casting speed.

Fire is 2nd in destructive, 5th in speed and 3rd in casting speed.

Shadow is 3rd in destructive, 2nd in speed and 5th in casting speed.

Light is 4th in destructive, 1st in speed and 6th in casting speed.

Water is 5th in destructive, 4th in speed and 2nd in casting speed.

Wind is 6th in destructive, 3rd in speed and 1st in casting speed.

Lightning is the superior element having more destructive power than Earth, Faster than Light and faster casting speed than Wind.

For elemental magic to be cast, they would need a magic circle. Elemental magic can come in different attacks but all require a magic circle.

With this in mind, Gren's great great great grandfather (Granddad) was the greatest Lightning user. She became a living legend. 

His name is known to everyone. No one can rival him in magic even other fellow Lightning users when they get the chance to battle him.

Meanwhile, Gren was playing with a ball of lightning. Unbeknownst to him that casting anything elemental is impossible without a magic circle. 

Thanks to Gren's past world experience, he can do such feet that even his Granddad would even see as impossible.

Gren in his past life was a genius from another world. After graduating from Harvard University at the age of 20 where he majored in Physics. Due to his achievements, many companies and even the military wanted him. 

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