Chapter 5: Roommate

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Gren was walking towards his dorm which will be his new home for the foreseeable future. He reached his dorm, H08. He knocked on the door to see if anyone is inside. After a few moments, no one answered.

Gren unlocked the door with a key they gave him and opened it. The room was quite spacious given the fact he was going to share it with another student. He saw some belongings on one side of the room while the other side was clean and untouched. What he assumed was the bathroom door was near the entrance to the room itself.

He assumed that the other side would be his space when sharing the room. He placed down his belongings and placed his scythe under the bed for now. 

The sun was setting as Gren saw outside the window. He decided to get change and take a shower. He took out his night clothes which were just shorts and a t-shirt. As he removed his shirt, the bathroom door opened revealing a guy with short blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Oh you must be my new roommate," he said.

"Uhh, yes I am," Gren replied.

"The names Zackery, but you can call me Zac," Zac said as he reached out for a handshake.

"Called me Gren then," Gren replied while receiving the handshake.

"Hmm, a name to match your hair. Got to say quite a name and appearance you have."

"Thanks, I guess. Well if you don't mind I'm going to take a shower."

"Sure go ahead."

Gren was about to enter the bathroom until Zac spoke up.

"By the way, nice body. You're gonna get a lot of girls with that," as he points to my body while smirking.

Gren blushes a bit and closed the bathroom door. Gren went to the mirror to look at himself. He just realizes he has a good physical build. He has muscles and abs but not too much to be called a chad. He decided to stop thinking about it and take a shower.

Back to Zac in the dorm room

Zac was busy cleaning his sword while sitting at his desk. As he is doing so someone was knocking at the door. He went ahead and opened the door. The person barged in and lay on his bed. The person who came in was Lina, Lina Redford. The top score in the entrance tests.

"So what brought you here today Lina? At this hour too," Zac asked as he closed the door.

"Today was filled with surprises," she let off a sigh and continued. "Firstly, I was surrounded by soo many people, more than usual. Secondly, there was this guy with green hair. He looked like a commoner too so I have no idea who he could be," as Lina said that part, Zac listened carefully.

"Then there's this guy who almost scored the same as me in the test which I thought was almost impossible," she continued.

"Who is the guy anyway that made you think that?" Zac asked in curiosity.

"His name was Gren, Gren Grove," Zac's eyes widen in surprise when Lina said that.

"Umm, funny you should mention..." Zac was cut off by Lina talking over him.

"Then I was wondering if they are the same person. I mean the name and the hair... maybe..." she stopped halfway.

Lina was cut off by the sound of the dorm's bathroom door opening. Revealing Gren who had just taken a shower. He was only wearing a towel that only covered his lower body, showing his buff build.

"Yo Zac I heard someone knocking who... was... it..." he stopped talking as both Zac and Lina were looking at him.

Zac was stun at the build he was looking at. Lina on the other hand was looking at Gren. She slowly became flustered and eventually is blushing.

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