Chapter 10: New Task

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Castle Recovery Room

Marie is unconscious on the bed. Her brother, Gren, is by her bedside. He kept staring at her with a poker face. No one can tell what Gren is really thinking.

Marie was injured from all the torture she went through caused by Gabriel. Scars, burns, these physical wounds will heal but not the mental scars left by him.

"I thought I could protect you. I never thought I could be so wrong in my life. I forgot to check up on you, talk to you and see if everything was going smoothly. I thought 'what could go wrong'... everything went wrong," Gren talked to himself.

The door opened as Zac entered the room.

"Didn't know you had a sister, let alone who you really are," Zac said.

"What do you need?" Gren asked.

"Alright, I'll cut to the chase. My father wants to see you."

"For what reason?"

"He will tell you that instead. Head to the throne room... Please," Zac asked.

"I'll be over in a moment."

"I'll see you there," Zac left the room.

"I'll be back Marie," Gren kissed Marie on the forehead.

Gren left the recovery room and closed the door. He heads towards the throne room.

Throne Room

Gren walks towards a massive door that was being guarded by knights. The knights opened the door letting Gren in. Gren walked into the throne room. Spectators were watching what was about to unfold.

Gren walks towards the throne where King Richard is sitting with his wife, the queen, Julie. As Gren reached the front of the throne, he bows down to the king and queen and rose back up. Murmurs can be heard from the spectators. Kneeling is the only way to greet royalty. Bowing was never an option.

"An unusual way to greet me but a welcomed one indeed," said Richard.

"What is the King's request for such a person," Gren replied.

"Drop the formal talk, I had enough of those in my life from others," the spectators stared at Richard. What did this person do to obtain such behaviour from the king himself? 

"Of course."

"Now for what I called you here. Do you know of your ancestor? The Lightning Emperor"

Whispers can be heard from the spectators.

"I was told by my parents that he was a master at lightning magic and a lot of people knew him."

"Well, he was a master at lightning magic but most importantly he saved this kingdom from its destruction," everyone was shocked by the comment. "He helped defeat the invaders from destroying what was known as a small kingdom way back then." Richard continued.

"Not only did the first Lightning Emperor save this kingdom, but his descendant saved the princess, my daughter, Lina," Murmurs began spreading around the throne room. "You saved her from assassins and I can't thank you enough."

"It was my pleasure."

"I have a request for you Gren."

"What's the request?"

"A neighbouring kingdom or should I say empire has some trouble with a certain magic-user. I would like for you to give them a hand if you don't mind."

"I accept the task but why me?" Gren asked

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