Chapter 3: Journey to the Capital

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The day has come where Gren at the age of 15 and Marie at the age of 13 are finally going to the capital to study in separate academies

Both siblings are walking through the forest to reach their next destination. The capital of the kingdom, Jorasia.

Gren is walking steadly while Marie is jumping all around the place.

"Marie calm down, we still have a long way to go," said Gren

Marie used to be a shy timid girl who rarely interacts with the other children in the village. After training with their father, she became more confident. Still, you will see the once small little shy girl every now and then.

"But still, aren't you excited to be outside of the village and going to meet new people. Learning new things along the way," said Marie

"Yes, it is exciting... but dangerous too. As fun as it sounds, we need to be on our guard as next thing you know, you may be kidnapped or even worse. I hope you know that," Gren added.

"Mou~ yes I know and I can take care of myself, alright?" Marie said.

"I know I know it's just... I don't want to lose family you know?" as he looks up at the sunset.

"You're right... I'll be careful," as she calms down and walks beside Gren while looking down.

Gren head rubs Marie trying to cheer her up after the sudden dark moment.

"We will be at the capital in 2 more days so how about we set up camp for the night?"

"I will make us some food then. Can't wait for you to taste my cooking," replied Marie excitedly.

Both set up camp which just includes a campfire and a place for them to sleep under a tree. Casually eating their dinner until Gren spoke up.

"Are you okay sleeping out in the wild?"

"I'll try at least. So are we gonna take turns to keep watch?"

"No, we are in a safe forest so there's no need"

"Are you sure?"

"Don't worry we are safe. You have my word," Gren assures Marie.

"If you say so..."

As the night continued, the siblings were sleeping on a matt with a blanket. Gren instead of sleeping was fake sleeping while keeping watch for Marie's sake as she snuggles her brother.

"So when are we making our move? I'm getting quite hungry."

"Same here. I'm getting quite thirsty for her."

"Let them have their last peaceful night together. We will kill the guy and take to the girl with us."

"Hmm... can't wait to taste new meat, not ripe yet but a new experience at least."

"We will wait until they are both separated and we go after the guy all at once."

"Yes Sir,"

Little did the group of bandits know that Gren was listening to their conversation while leaking a little bloodlust. 

"Oho... you have no idea what you boys have gotten yourself into," Gren thought while having a sadistic smile.

The Next Morning

Gren was busy packing the camp while Marie is busy making a small breakfast for the two.

"I'm gonna go look at our surroundings and see if I can find anything interesting," Gren said

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