Chapter 4: Enrollment to Academy

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Outside the Capital Walls

The two siblings, Gren Grove and Marie Grove are right outside the capital walls. Excited for what they are going to experience for the next 3 years in the academies.

As they reach the gate, a guard stopped them.

"Halt, what's your purpose of coming here?" the guard asked the two.

"Umm, we are here to attend the academies here," Gren replied.

"New students I see. Welcome to the capital. The academies will be in the 5th district. Just follow the signs to the 5th district and you will find it there."

"Thank you!" Marie replied.

"Thank you, sir," Gren replied too.

Both walked towards the 5th district which is known as the education district. There were other districts too but they do not have time to explore right now.

The magic and knight academy were right next to each other. The knight academy was bigger since it has to hold more students. Meanwhile, the magic academy was small in comparison due to magic users are rare in itself. They both share the same dorms so both magic users and knights lived with each other. As usual, the boys and girls are in separate dorms.

"Well, I guess I will see you later. Don't get into trouble ok?" Marie said waving at Gren

"Yes, I know. See ya," Gren said while waving back.

There were guards at the front of the magic academy.

"Umm, may I ask where can I register as a new student?" Gren said.

"Head towards the office, there will be signs showing the way for new students. If you get lost just follow the rest of the new students." the guard answered while giving tips.

"Ok, thanks a lot," as Gren walks towards the office.

He reaches the office as a lady was ready to help him.

"Can I please have your name please?" she asked.

"Gren, Gren Grove," he replied.

She checked the list of names.

"Okay. Please head to classroom 2G for the written test. Afterward, please head to the arena for your practical test. You are allowed to be in the cafeteria after you have done your tests. The results will be out at 4 in the afternoon," she explained.

"Ok thank you," Gren thanked the lady as he headed to the classroom.

Gren went to the classroom. He was greeted by a teacher standing by the door.

"Ah, another one. Place your stuff at the front of the class and pick a table. The test will start shortly," the teacher explains.

Gren went to one of the tables and sat down. He looked around the classroom and saw the other students. He assumed they were mostly people of high class due to their more fancy clothing and proper looks.

He realizes that he didn't see much of the commoners or in nicer terms normal people. As he finishes his thought, the teacher came in as another student sat down at a table.

"Ok, you may start the test. You have 30 mins to do the test," he said as everyone started writing.

The paper in Gren's eye is quite basic. Simple questions like how you cast magic or which magic circle represent which element.

Gren found the questions easy. As he was about to finish the paper, he realizes it might bring attention to himself which he is trying to avoid so they don't pester him with questions on how he knows a lot about magic.

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