Promise Me..

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I glanced around the room, noticing Chiaki looking out the window. It seemed she was looking at something, or someone. I got up, since it was a free period, and walked to her desk, suddenly aware of who she was looking at. "You know Izuru?" I asked sitting on the desk in front of her, lazily crossing my legs. She nodded, "Kinda?" I tilt my head, curiously, "Kinda?" She thought for a moment, putting the words together, "Well, it was a while back, so I mean, it wasn't him, but someone similar." I furrowed my eyebrows, puzzled, before snapping my fingers as a lightbulb came to mind. "Hajime?" Her eyes lit up, "How did you know about that name?" this time, my eyes lit up, "So you do know about him? Not to pry, but can you tell me things about him?" She bit her lip, unsure if she should. I nodded, gathering her actions, "It's alright 'Ki, I don't wanna pressure you." I smiled as the bell rang, "Hey, how about we go out to eat today? We can invite a few people too?" She smiled softly, "You sure?" I nodded, grabbing her hand. She was timid, but I could tell she was excited. "Of course!" I thought for a moment, before asking everyone in the class, well everyone that was still here. It was Sonia, Gundham, Teruteru, Nagito, Mahiru, and Akane. I smiled at the group Chiaki and I formed and was about to head out when I noticed Izuru at the door. "Hey Izu! Wanna join? We're gonna go eat!" He was about to say no, but noticed the group, mostly the guys, and nodded. "Sure, I'll let Yato know that he'll fend for himself." I shook my head with a sigh, "You could've offered to take him too, but I won't necessarily hate it if he didn't go." Izuru had amusement in his eyes, "See you do dislike him too." I shook my head, "Blah, blah, can't hear you." I smirked before turning to the group, "Alright we ready?" They nodded with a smile, though a bit of a 'get a room' face was shown on each one of them. I rolled my eyes playfully as I grabbed my bag and we headed out.

On our way over, we were mostly discussing how our day went and what how our classes were pretty boring today. "Speaking of Biology, remember when Nagito accidentally knocked over all the test tubes?" I nodded, with a small smile on my face, others doing a similar look. "And then we had to start the project all over again. Thanks again Natigo." Mahiru teased, still clearly annoyed about the project, that was at least a month ago, may I add. As we continued, I noticed Izuru being quiet, so I walked slightly slower to be right next to him. I smiled up at him before bumping him softly with my shoulder. "Hm, I think I like when we're alone, you're more talkative." He scoffed playfully, snaking his arm around my neck. "I just prefer you, not these people.." I laughed softly, "They are in my class Izu, I would like to hang out with them more." I noticed a hint of annoyance, "Chill Izu, I'm not gonna ditch you anytime soon." He nodded softly. I reached to kiss his cheek before we continued walking. With a little nudge like that, Izuru even added a few responses and words into our conversations.

We sat down, waiting to be served when two girls walked in, being loud for a restaurant. "And I know we said today, but seriously, it's gonna be boring if I have to actually be a student there." A loud voice stated. "Please sister, you know it isn't going to be for long." The other said, a bit more hushed than the other. I was pulled away from my eavesdropping when Teruteru tapped me on the shoulder. "Uh y/n? Can I get by ya?" I nodded and smiled, he was coming back from the bathroom so Izuru and I scooched out for him to be let in. After Teruteru sat back down, Izuru grabbed my hand and leaned in to whisper, "The two don't seem good, I noticed you being nosy, so don't go near them, okay?" I nod, slightly flustered for being caught, but following after him to sit.

I tried to tune out the loud supposed sisters, Izuru as well, before we both looked at each other, hearing something a bit concerning, "Like I said. With the kid from the Kamukura Project, this should be a breeze. Now, come on, let's go fully register." I held a breath without realization. The Kamukura Project? That sounds so familiar, does it have to deal with the, maybe Izuru? I sighed, Izuru also seeming a bit flustered. We glanced at each other, before nodding and going back to our small talk with our friends.

"This was really fun, even if we almost broke the table.." Mahiru stated. "Well, I for one thought it to be a spectacular idea!" Akane replied, fist bumping Sonia, who also helped plan the breaking of table 5. "We could be banned next time we try anything like that.." I noted, staying mutual, though I know Mahiro had a point. We stopped at the corner of the sidewalk, saying our goodbyes before going our separate ways. I held Izuru's hand, waving to the group with my other. "Well, that was different huh?" He nodded, "But a good different." I smiled. He sighed, "I figured you would add that." I rolled my eyes playfully, "Well, it's true. For the most part, we both had fun, did we not?" He pulled me closer to him, "Yeah yeah, I guess it wasn't horrible." I grinned, before stopping short of my home. "Hey Izu?" He glanced over, "Hm, did you not want to go home? I figured your dad woul-" I stopped him, "Not that. I know I have to go home, but I was thinking about those know, at the restaurant." He nodded, both of our eyes locked on one another. He sighed, "Y/n.." I held my breath.

"Promise me that you won't let me drift again."

. . . 

Annnd done! 

I'm currently trying to upload the 1st of every month, just to keep myself sane lol,,

As always, hope you've enjoyed!

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