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I yawned, turning a bit trying to get adjusted in the bed, when I noticed there was an empty dip where Izuru used to be. I opened my eyes finally looking around, he was not where to be found. I frowned trying to get up but lazily lying back down, aching slightly. I was a bit confused at first but then I remembered yesterday and turned a deep shade of red. "Oh, right..." I smiled softly before getting up slowly and grabbing one of Izuru's shirts and putting it on. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed my toothbrush, brushing my teeth and sighing, he wasn't in here either. I walked out of the room, that's when it hit me. The wonderful smell of food, more importantly, pancakes. I smiled and slid over on his wooden floors to him, hugging, and almost knocking him down, in the process. "Ah, good morning sleepyhead." He replied to my presence. "Good morning Izu!" I said, happily ready for the meal he was making. "Do you feel well? I was going to let you sleep in some more.." He said a bit of pink tinting his cheeks. I smiled shyly, "I'm kinda alright, but I do need to go to the store later." He shook his head, turning to hug me back and looking at me. "I'll go for you, just write down what we need." I smiled, kissing his cheek and grabbing a pen and paper. "So kind. Thanks Izu" He simply nodded as I went to the clean counter to write what I needed.

He brought me breakfast soon after, I had exchanged the note for the plate and began happily chomping down on my food. He just looked at me slightly concerned for how fast I was eating but ignored it and began to eat his food. "Hey, y/n..?" I looked up with a childish grin, "Yeah what's up?" He shifted slightly, as if he was trying to figure out what to say. "I wanna tell your family.." I blushed, "You mean about las-" I was cut off from my loud question, "No, about us being together dummy." I sighed in relief and nodded, "I would like that, a lot actually. It'll make it a bit more 'official'" I said not really minding what we had right now, but it would be nice to tell my family about it. He just nodded with a slight smile, trying to stop it before I noticed but failing. I smiled even wider at Izuru and clapped like a child, "I did it once more! The emotionless Izu has emotion!" I teased him slightly, to which he replied with a flick to my forehead and a sigh, "Only for you." I blushed at his reply, as I was thinking of something to reply, there was a call coming from Izuru's phone. He looked at it with a sigh and looked at me, "Sorry, I need to take this." I nodded and finished eating as he walked into his room and began talking. I hummed happily as I began doing the dishes from his mess of kitchen items.

I finished and sat down on the couch, a bit tired, as I heard Izuru coming out of his room. "Sorry that took a while, didn't it?" I nodded slightly with a playful smile, "Just a tad, who was it?" He patted my head, grabbing the list from the counter. "It was..." He sighed, "Don't get mad.." I tilted my head, all my attention on him. "Why would I get mad?" He rubbed his neck, "My nephew is coming in a few hours, two to be exact..I'll go run by the store real quick but I just wanted to warn you that he can be a bit...strange." I sighed in relief, "Geez you really made it seem like you were cheating." I giggled before making him lean down to kiss me. We both looked at each other before he sighed, leaning fully to hug me. I smiled as he spoke, "I would never, don't worry little lady." He said before reluctantly getting up and heading towards the door. "I'll see you in a bit ya?" I nodded with a small smile before searching for my phone to waste time as he walked out. A few minutes later I facetimed him, waiting for his answer. "Y/n? Did something happen? Are you alright? Should I go back home?" I laughed slightly, "No silly, I was just lonely" He looked down at his phone before sighing, "I'm hanging up now." I pouted, "No! Please" "I'm kidding, I'll stay on the phone a little longer." I smiled and looked at his surroundings, "Are you in the kids aisle?" He looked a bit startled and hung up as a reflex. "Wha- Izu!" I pouted slightly before smiling, "Such a kid." I hummed to myself before the door rang, "Hm? He's still at the store though.." I shrugged and remembered his nephew before I looked through the peephole. It was a happy young-ish kid. I debated on texting Izuru but just shrugged, as I thought it would be fine. I opened the door and tilted my head, "Hello?" He looked at me with a slight blush on his face and smiled, "Hello! You must be the ever so famous Y/n that Kura's always going on about." I nodded slightly, "U-uhm yes? You must be his nephew ummm..?" I tilted my head, not sure of his name.

"Oh, I'm Yato and may I say, you are a beautiful lady."

. . . . . . . .


Holy Asahi you guys! Thank you so much for over 8k reads TwT

Your comments are majestic and glorious and I'm living for them

Anyways, as always, hope you enjoyed!

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