The River

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   Once we had arrived, Miss Yukizome was cheerfully giving rules and guidelines to each designated group. Since my group included Izuru, and since our group had already been talked to, we headed to our dorm area. Though I had walked next to Izuru so often, it made me so nervous this time... I had checked the time on my phone *2:27 pm*. After that, I had gotten a a text from my brother.

 **Broski:** Hey hey kiddo! Did ya get there yet? 

**Broski:** You better not get in trouble poopie face >:0

   I laughed slightly, which caught the attention of a nosy red eyed boy. "This dummy.." I mumbled replying .

**Me:** ya ya I'm fine you twerp,, mind your business

   I smiled before a hand grabbed my phone, looking at it. "H-hey! Izu-" I looked up and tried grabbing it, but he held it above him as he observed my phone. He just sighed, placing it in his pocket. "Izu?" I tilted my head confused. "You're on a trip, enjoy it." He replied, his voice seeming a I shrugged it off, he probably just wanted me to have fun. "Fiiine." I replied linking my arm into his. "Well, where shall we go?" He was a bit taken back. "Uhm, we should put up our bags first" I nodded and smiled, "Alright, let's go."

   We had spent at least thirty minutes looking around the hotel-like cabins before we looked at each other with the same thought in mind, food. "Alright, where shall we scavenge for our next meal Izu?" I asked before I felt a hand on my head, an audible sigh coming along. "We can just go to the vending machine Y/n, no need to hunt" He remarked, though it was in his own little teasing manner. I smiled, laughing shortly, "I know, I know, but imagine how fun that would be" He nodded, playing along, "Ah yes, the wonderful bugs and woods, what wouldn't be fun while hunting outdoors." I gasped and placed my hand on his forehead, as to check his temperature. "Did...did you just make a joke?" He shrugged, "Yes and no, I really don't enjoy the outdoors like this." I rolled my eyes, "That's cause you've never been with me." I declared, a bit too excitedly, though he shut that down a bit fast. "Yeah, I don't think my opinion of nature will change because of you." I pouted slightly, "Still, I think it depends on the perspective you look through, if you looked through mine, you would enjoy nature Izu." 

   As we were talking, we ended up next to a vending machine, which also had a familiar short cook, looking awfully disgusted. "Oh hey Teruteru! Why are you moping? Did someone reject you again?" I asked, Izuru had slightly stiffened, but it wasn't fully noticeable. " There is a far more important matter in our hands! This vending machine has nothing but junk food. Completely horrific" He replied, I just sighed, "That's what a vending machine is..Anyways, Izu, what did you want to eat?" I turned to him as he went ahead and placed money in the machine and got us snacks. Even though he didn't ask what I wanted he still got me something I like. Teruteru cleared his throat and shifted a bit, "So I was wondering..Y/n.. did you want to go cook something up later?" I smiled softly, "I would love to bake with you again, but I was planning on showing Izu the river" He nodded, at pink tint on his face, most likely flustered, and waved, "Well 'Izu' you lucky man~ Ta-ta now, I'll go off and find a nice kitchen to use" With that he left, Izuru was also looking a bit less tense, and also a bit more confident. 

I yawned as I heard a knock on my door. I looked in the mirror of which I was standing in front of and smiled, I was in a swimsuit covered by a t-shirt and shorts, we (mostly me) had planned to swim in the river. I grab my smallish bag and opened the door with a smile. "Hey Iz- oh Hey Gundham, what are you doing here?" I tilt my head, this is someone I didn't really expect to see right now. "Ahahah so my visions were correct! You are going to the river as well?" I nodded, "Your visions? As well? You're going too?" He nodded, "A group of us actually, I invite Gundham since I didn't wanna be alone, then it turns out more were going so now we're inviting all our class" A voice way softer and formal than Gundhams responded. "Ah alright, well I better go get Izu then, I'll you two there then, yeah?" Sonia and Gundham nodded as they left to the next room and I left to Izuru's room. 

I knocked slightly, though the door had already opened before I made contact with it. "O-oh.. hello Y/n, you're ready?" I smiled and nodded, "Yep ready when you are Izu" We both headed towards the river, as we held hands, we noticed some people were already over there. "Hey, Y/n? I didn't know anyone else would be here..." I smiled, "What's the problem? I think it'll be alright" He sighed and looked at me before looking up, "I don't like swimming in front of others" I laughed slightly and nodded, "Fine fine, look I scoped this place out before and there's a little nook we can swim in, but we have to sneak past them first kay?" He nods before regrabbing my hand as we made our way there. "Now if anyone happens to come over here that's not on me"

I took off my shirt and shorts, leaving me in my bathing suit and I got in the water and smiled, "Come on Izu, it's not even cold." He nodded, looking as if he was admiring me before taking off his shirt and getting in as well as he was already in his black trunks. His long hair dragged slightly behind him in the water, and he looked really good... "Y/n?" I gave a blink and blank stare at him before my face heated up a bit, "Yes?" He looked away before looking back at me with a small smile, something I was sure he had only given to someone once, and that someone was me. "You look really pretty...." He said, in an odd tone, I know he was trying to sound caring and it was a cute attempt, but emotions really don't suit his usual self. I smiled and swam over to hug him, "You're not so bad yourself Izu" I replied as he hugged back slightly unsure before hugging back. I let go, though I didn't fully want to, and backed up before splashing Izuru and trying to run back more, though it was more of a slow jog from being in the water. He shook his head before chuckling, which was a very delightful noise by the way, and got closer before warning, "You shouldn't have done that my dear Y/n" I smiled and stuck out my tongue. "Haha, come and catch me Izu!" 

After a long chasing game, Izuru had finally caught me, we had both shared a laugh as he held me tightly so I wouldn't escape again. Once the laughing had died down though, I noticed what position we were in and awkwardly laughed. I had to look up at him, his hair over his shoulders as he held onto my waist. We only payed attention to this moment, this point in time, our stance, us. I looked away slightly flustered. Before I was gonna pull away though, Izuru grabbed my face lightly with one of his hands and did something I didn't think he would ever do. I blushed as I felt his lips on mine, it was gentle and unsure, I closed my eyes, kissing back as we both enjoyed this kiss we shared.

I would trade my ultimate to be able to replay this moment forever, that, I was certain of.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Oh my- I - love this chapter and also hate it cause of my writers block probably made it off lol

Still what do you guys think? I hope this is going at a good speed pfft

also sorry if there are any mistakes- I'm too tired to edit it properly


As always, I hop you've enjoyed!~

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