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I sat up stretching and feeling immediate aching. I groaned rubbing my neck and looking around... this wasn't my room. In fact, I was on a stool, more in fact, I was covered in a blanket I know I didn't put on myself. I looked around then noticed a note on the counter, so naturally I picked it up. 'And I thought I was the one who needed sleep. Seriously work on your schedule, I couldn't wake you up so when you do, make yourself at home..' I smiled lazily still half asleep. Even written down, you can hear his monotone voice. I chuckled softly getting up and going to make some ramen for us. 

Eventually I finished the food and went to wake him up. "Hey sleepyhead.." I softly said nudging him slightly. He grumbled a 'no' before pulling his covers over his face. I roll my eyes and tear his covers away from him. "Izuru, please I made food." I said nudging a bit harder. His eyes slowly fluttered open before squinting trying to fully awaken as he fumbled around his arm slowly before grabbing onto my wrist. I tilt my head. "Uhh...Izuru.." He just looked up to me and squeezed my wrist a bit tighter. "Ow! Ya turd!" I grumbled as I tried pulling away. "hm.." He replied before lowering to my hand. I looked at our hands at he held mine. My heart skipped a beat, that's odd.. "Hey" I said in a weak tone. "Help me up please." He said in a deep voice which, in all honesty, made heat rise up to my cheeks. "Huh?" I asked ignoring this weird feeling. "I'm still sick dummy. I even said please." He said before tugging lightly on my arm. I nod "Oh right!" I pulled him up gently, trying not to hurt him. "By the way, are you feeling any better?" I asked as he went to his dresser. He shrugs looking through his clothes. "Same as before." I nod, "Well I'll stay here too! I just have to tell miss Yukizome." I say before realizing he took off his shirt. I quickly turn around and fan my face with my hands. "Y/n?" Izuru asked looking back at me, though I couldn't see him, he had a small grin forming. "Yeah?" I then felt a large cloth fall onto my head. "You didn't bring clothes right?" I nod slowly as I took off the clothed item from my head. It was a bigish shirt, *his* shirt. "Put it on, I'll be in the living room" He said before leaving the room.

I walked into the living room handing over Izuru's bowl of ramen, and sitting beside him. As we ate we only exchanged a few words, yet it was so calming. Soon though, we finished our bowls. As I was washing our bowls, He walked up to me and stared at me. "Izuru, what are you doing?" I asked not taking my eyes off the task at hand. Moments later, I put up the now dry bowls and looked at Izuru. "Yes?" He met my eyes before letting out a deep breath and grabbing my hand. " tell me more about family?" I tilt my head as I studied his sad eyes. I nod and we went back his bed so he could lay down as I sat on the other side. "What did you wanna know about first?" I asked as we still haven't let go of each others hand. "...What does it mean to have one.." I look up at the ceiling. "Well, being blood family is being born in that group of people, but the real meaning means so much more." I smiled softly looking at him meeting his longing gaze. "Like?" He asked his grip getting tighter. I rub his hand with my finger before sighing. "Well it's someone who is always there for you, no matter what. Through ups and downs, even arguments, in the long run, they will believe in what you wish to be." I paused for a moment looking down at our hands  before looking back at him. "They are something people need to be around to be free, ya know?" He looked me in the eyes, uncertainty in his own, he asked something I wasn't prepared for.

"Will you be my family?"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Annnnndddd Done! ^^ 

More shippy stuff to move the story along (I'm sorry if it's cringy ;-;) also! I just wanna say that I don't really say stuff about how y/n looks since I want anyone to fit in so you can live out your dreams :) 

As always I hope you enjoyed!~

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