The Window Seat

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A/N: TwT Thank you everyone so much for over 1k reads- I love you guys-

   I smiled happily as I had rechecked that all of my items were packed away and ready to go. I can't believe how fast time had flown, it was already time for our school trip. Placing my bag over one of my shoulders, I said goodbye to my family and headed out. Soon enough I noticed that certain someone was waiting patiently for me. I guess he noticed me, since he put his phone in his pocket and wave to me with his blank expression, though, it seemed a bit softer today. I smiled waving back to him as I approached him. 

   "Hello, Y/n." I looked up to him with the same soft smile as before, "Hey there Izu, you do know, you don't have to wait for me here" I said, knowing that his home was farther away than he made it out to be. He looks down at me, almost like he was studying my expressions. "Do... you dislike me coming to walk with you?" I paused for a moment before shaking my head with a small gasp. "No way! That's not what I meant at all Izu!" I said grabbing the sleeve of his coat, making us both stop where we were. "I just think, spending a lot of your energy on me this early, is, well, a waste." I replied as our eyes locked. "Ah so you want me to spend it on you later, no if not in the morning then at night?" He asked almost too seriously. I blushed a bit more than I should have, though his comment was basically asking for it. "Gah! Izu! That's not what I meant either" I stuttered slightly before looking away, baffled towards myself. Why was I acting this way? Could I be growing a liking to Izu, not just a friend, but more? Yet before I could get a solution to my question,, Izuru grabbed me by the hand as he checked his phone. "Ah right, let's go  Y/n, the bus will leave soon." I looked up before gathering my thoughts once more. "Oh yeah, okay, let's get going then." He nods before grabbing my bag with his other hand as we began walking. Though I protested that I could carry it on my own, he never caved in.

   Once Izuru placed our bags in the luggage compartment, we made our way to the back of the bus. I sat in the window seat and smiled looking out. "Y/n? What's out there?" I looked over my shoulder and tilted my head slightly. "Huh?" He sighed softly before pointing to the window. "You've been staring out that window and you didn't hear me call your name, twice I might add." He explained, matter of factly. I giggled softly at his curiosity. "I was just thinking about things, ya know?" He shakes his head slightly. Baffled, I placed his hands on his eyes. "What do you see?" He scoffed, "Nothing, you just covered my eyes." I sighed, my full attention on him. "You poor child, you have so much to learn about imagination." I replied as I took his hands off his face, this time I was the one who had their hands on their face. "Okay, ask me" Though I couldn't see, he nodded in response then asked, "Okay, Y/n, what do you see?" I smiled, "Well right now, I'm making some really good smelling cookies, and I'm putting them in the oven...turning on the timer, and there you are, waiting patiently to taste my amazing cookies!" I exclaimed before humming softly. "Now that I think about it, this is your kitchen...Oh and somehow there's a little doggie, you should really get one ya know?" I finished before lowering my hands to see a confused Izuru. "How did you see all that?" I chuckled softly before covering his eyes with his hands again. "Just close your eyes, think for a moment about what and where you wanna spend your time at. That is your happy place, and the thing making it happen is your imagination." He nods slightly. "Ah, I think I get it now, I see it.." He mumbled softly before opening his eyes and softly holding my hands, that I forgot I still had on his. "You said it was my happy thing right?" With a small brush of dust on my cheeks, I nod slightly with a small smile. "What did you see?" He let out a breath he had been holding and hummed softly, "You, we are just laying down and watching tv, but that's odd, I'm not a tv person at all..." I was relieved his eyes were blocked, cause if he did, he would've seen my blushing mess of a face. 

   It was almost lunch time, though I had already fallen asleep, Izuru showed patience with me. He lightly tapped me on the shoulder and I grumbled slightly. I felt a hand lightly hold my head and it was placed on a softish material. I think a few more minutes passed before my eyes slowly opened and got adjusted to the light. "Sleep good?" I looked over to an approaching voice, "Izu? Where is everyone?" I asked before noticing Izuru's jacket was gone, looking at my 'pillow' I realized where his jacket went. "Eating" He said nudging over to the window. I looked over and noticed we were at a picnic stop with a little food truck. As I turned back around, Izuru had already taken a seat next to me, handing me a burger. "I...I didn't know what type of stuff you like, besides sweets of course, so I just got you this." I smiled grabbing the food and thanking him. 

   "So Y/n? You do realize that you never responded to me." I tilt my head as I swallowed the bit of my food. "Huh? What do you mean?" "If you would be my family? I don't fully understand it yet but, I've been analyzing and studying about family, and it seems you could be right?" I turned another light shade of pink, "Wh-what type of family did you read about?" He thought for a moment, "The parents. Well it said a boy and a girl could have another member with them, whether it was an animal or kid." He said looking slightly away, could he be nervous? What on earth was he reading about. Pushing my questions aside I nod slightly. "How about this, since you are talking about a couple-type family, what if we were to try that this week? Like what we usually do but like couples too? Does that make sense? Am I making sense? I don't think I'm making sen-" I paused in shock, Izuru had kissed my forehead before taking out his phone. "You make sense, stop doubting yourself little miss baker." He said almost in a teasing tone.

    I don't really believe what was happening, it's happening all at once, I couldn't really have a chance to understand. Sure, it had been such a fun month since I had first met him, but nonetheless, here we are, everyone had gotten back in the bus before we drove off, while I was sitting here in the window seat, Izuru by my side as we held hands. All I really knew for sure was:

The feeling of my hand in his, was something I never wanted to give up.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . 


(word count: 1321)

School really doesn't want me to have hobbies;-;

But I'm back on a good-ish schedule and will hopefully be doing more things. How was this chapter? I hope it wasn't too rushed but I wrote most of this at 2am on different days so if it's a huge mess  I apologize hah. 

Also, I'm planning on making another Izuru chapter for this chapter, since I feel it will ehlp things not be too rushed ^^'

As always, I hope you enjoyed!!

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