The Awkward Interaction

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    I yawned as I finished putting on my work uniform. Today was my last day on the job, and it was honestly pretty sad, I had made some friends here, but there was no way I could work while going to my new school. Not like I would need to anyways, after all, I am going to be attending Hopes Peak Academy....somehow. I don't really consider myself an ultimate, but apparently they thought I was suited for the ultimate baker. I shake those thoughts out of my head and get back to work, and yes I work at a bakery, ironic huh? 

   The bakery is slow as usual, only a few more minutes left and it would be time to close up for the day. I was playing the bell on the counter when I heard the door open. "Welcome to Blakes Baked Goods! How may I help you?" I said as I looked up to see a youngish male with long black hair and the reddest eyes I've ever seen. He nodded slowly before looking at the items and looking back up at me. "Cake" He spoke in almost a monotone voice. I nod shifting a little before getting the one he was pointing to. "Will that be all?" I asked before noticing how pale he looked. He nods and as he was grabbing his money out I tilt my head, "Um, I'm sorry for butting in but, are you sick?" He looked up a bit confused before getting over it and sighed. "Here" He placed the money on the table and put his hand out waiting for his snack. I look at his hand and then at the bag before putting two and two together and putting the small bag in his hands and waved. "Thanks for coming, drop by again." I smile as best I could to avoid that awkward moment. He nods at me before sitting down and opening his bag to get the cake out. I mentally sigh 'Of course he would stay when this place is about to close. That's one thing I won't miss at all'  I groaned slightly to myself before putting up his money in the register and sit on the swivel seat I was on earlier today. 

    Suddenly, the guy stood up making the chair he was on go back and make an unpleasant noise. "Who made this?" He said approaching me once more. I couldn't tell if he was mad or not, instead of analyzing his voice, I cleared my throat and smiled, "I make all of the cakes here sir, now if you're not satisfied I can get something else that someone else made for a lower price." I told him hoping he wouldn't be too upset. He shook his head and look me dead in the eyes "I haven't tasted something this interesting in a while, thank you." I nod slowly grasping what was going on. "No problem.." I smiled slightly. He nodded back and headed out while waving a goodbye to me. I stood there still trying to wrap my head around that guy. 'Never get people like that around here..Oh well first time for everything I guess' I shrug before getting ready to close up.

   I've been in the shower for a while now, and I still am shocked I'm going to Hope's Peak tomorrow.. I hope that once I'm done I can live a laid-back life and not have to worry about anything anymore...that... that would be my perfect life. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned off the water reaching for a towel. After I got changed into a random hoodie, I leaped onto my bed and drifted off to sleep.

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