Can the Ultimate Izuru Get Sick?

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(A/N: This chapter contains mentions of a death of a loved one, If you are triggered easily by this please skip the end part (stopping sentence:I glared at him slightly before heading to the kitchen.) Now, please enjoy)

I woke up to a ringing noise, so naturally I fumble around for an alarm clock, but there wasn't one to be felt. I opened my eyes to see that I was, in fact, in my homeroom. I sighed and stretched a bit before standing up and grabbing my book bag. I walked around for a bit, usually I would be on the roof by now, yet my 'partner in crime' hasn't been in school since last Friday. Since it was already Thursday I decided to go to -his- homeroom. 

"Hiya.." I said knocking on the door as I stepped into the class. An little old man looked away from the board and gave a soft smile. "Why hello there, you must be Miss. l/n." I tilt my head nodding, "Yes sir, but um.. how do you know that? I don't think we've ever met" He chuckled before pointing to a seat in the back row. "You're here for Izuru huh? Well I'm sure you know he's not in school, hasn't been for about a week now." I looked at the desk then back at the old man, "Seriously sir, how do you know this?" I asked as my voice showed me losing my grasp on my temper. He just shook his head before turning back to the board and beginning to clean it once more. "He's a good kid to me, always has been... but lately, he stopped coming to classes. Did you know he stopped eating lunch in here?" He said knowing very well that he was with me. "Why did he stop coming to classes though?" He sighed hesitating for a moment, "Y/n, why don't you help this old man clean the board?" I pouted slightly as he avoided the question. I took an eraser before looking at what was on the board. "Do Ultimates even need to know this stuff?" I said as I began to clean the board. "Well some do, but as you guessed not many come to class." I nod, figures. I mean who wants to study when you get a free pass at life, if Miss Yukizome wasn't so persistent, I would do the same.  

"Sick" He said as he stopped erasing. "Huh?" I looked at him before I realized he was talking about Izuru. "I kinda guessed he was sick... I mean he hasn't shown up so it was a bit obvious.." I said, the board now clean. "You remember the Kamukura Project right?" I nod "Yeah." He looked down, "Well Izuru claimed to be fine afterwards and didn't let anyone get too close to him. Yet I convinced him to talk to me" I nod "Is that why you knew who I was?" He smiled sadly before nodding. "He always talked about this strange girl. 'It's always a surprise with her' I've never seen him brighter than when he talked about you." I nod something in my stomach twisted, but I ignored it in that moment. "If you are happy about him being happy why do you sound so sad." He looked at me as our eyes met, I could tell he thought he was gonna say too much, but it was covered in relief. "Go visit him will you? I'm sure he'll feel better in no time with you around." I looked at the board once more and sighed. "You sure are good at avoiding questions huh?" He just shrugged "It's in my blood I guess" I gave him a small smiled before saying my goodbyes.

I looked up at an apartment complex, Mr. Marcus gave me Izuru's address before I left . Though I still can't believe I'm doing this...will he think I'm being weird, I mean who just shows up to someone's house like this? I shake those thoughts out of my head as I walked to his apartment. I knocked on the door and heard some grumbles from the other side. "What is it! I already told you to-" He half grumbled half yelled as he opened the door before he met my eyes. "Oh...I- um..Sorry I thought you were the crazy stalker guy, he keeps coming by to tell me how hopeful I should be about getting better." He said sounding tired, his voice was groggy. "C-come in Y/n.." He said before moving back so I could get through. "Go to your bed" I demanded before walking in. "I- what?" He said processing my attitude change. "I said go to you bed." I glared at him slightly before heading to the kitchen.

 I mumbled a few ingredient names before finding my way around his kitchen. He just stared at me before sitting on a stool by the island. "What are you doing?" He asked as I began making him some soup. "I may not be the Ultimate cook, but this recipe never fails me." I smiled as I walked towards him to check his temperature "After my ma used to give it to me when I was sick all the time." As the back of my hand touched his forehead he looked away "You're burning up!" He rolled his eyes, "I'm sick, what did you expect?" I grumbling out a "whatever" and I went back to my soup making. "Also... you always mention your mother...what's she like?" He asked laying his head on the counter. I took off my hoodie and folded it, giving it to him for a pillow.

 "She was incredible." I smiled softly "Was?" He asked cuddling up into my hoodie as I was putting the soup on the stove. "Yeah," I said as my eyes locked onto his, I felt a ping of sadness before looking away, "She passed away two years ago." His head dropped some, "Oh" was all he could manage to say. I shrugged it off, "She knew she was going to pass though, she even wrote me letters for different occasions. I know she has on for every birthday to come, my graduation, prom... the last one I got was for getting accepted to Hope's Peak" I smiled a sad yet joyful smile. "She is everything I strive to be" I said as the pot began to boil, I focused on the soup once more. Although I couldn't see it, Izuru looked at me in admiration. That I had always been so strong and cheerful, yet I had troubles of my own.

Even though he didn't know my mother, he knew she was proud of what her daughter had become.

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AAAAANNNNNDDD Done!!! I know this one was a bit sadder but now we know a bit more about y/n's family ^^ Also if you have any tips for this story don't be too shy to shares ;D 

As always I hope you enjoyed!

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