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the next two paragraphs will be happening at the same time.

Maya's pov

I started to cry. Lucas came over and hugged me. I hated feeling vulnerable, but it felt nice to be in Lucas's arms. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. This was my chance to tell him how I feel, "Lucas, I-" I stopped when Lucas pressed his lips against mine. He put his arms around my waist, I wrapped my arms around his neck. Then, I started to kiss back. It was perfect, I felt something while we kissed. Sparks. We stayed like this for a few more seconds. Then, Lucas pulled away. I have to admit I was a little upset when he pulled away. "What were you saying, ma'am?" he asked tipping his imaginary hat. "I like you, Cowboy." I say. "I like you too, ma'am." Then we kissed again.

Riley's pov

I came to Lucas's house to try to win him back. I don't care what Farkle said. Plus Rucas is a way better ship name than Lucaya. Okay well maybe it's not but once Lucas and I are together we can come up with a better name. I walk up to the front door and knock. Mrs. Friar answers the door. "Hi, Riley. Lucas is upstairs." "Thank you, Mrs. Friar." I walk upstairs to Lucas's room. I am about to knock, but I hear voices. "What were you saying ma'am?" "I like you, Cowboy." "I like you too, ma'am." Then I don't hear anything. I walk in the door and see Maya and Lucas KISSING!

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