Ms. Novoa

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Lucas's POV

I hear a car honk followed by a scream. Maya's scream! I bolt out of class while Mr. Matthews is teaching. Please don't let her be hurt. Please! I start to hear sirens, and someone screaming Maya's name. I run outside, and see a stretcher with Maya on it. They wheel her to the ambulance put her in the back. I run as fast as I can to the car. "Back up kid!" The EMT yelled as I tried stay with Maya. "I have to go with her!" I yelled back in tears. The EMT stared at me for a second and then sighed, "Get in!" I hop in the back of the ambulance standing next to Maya. Even with the blood and scraps on her she is still the most beautiful girl I have ever met. Within minutes we are at the hospital. The EMTs run, pushing Maya on the stretcher, with me on her side. I call Maya's mother while I am being told I can't go in the room with her. "Hello, Lucas?" Katy says. "You need to come to the hospital. It's Maya." After her name escapes my lips, I here the phone drop and someone screaming, "NO!" Then footsteps running and someone slam a door.

Jade's POV

Oh my gosh! Maya just got hit by a car. After she screamed I heard a door slam and saw Lucas run from a classroom. I guess I should go in the classroom and explain. I open the door with everyone staring at me, even the teacher. "Do any of you know Maya Hart?" I asked, feeling it was the best thing to do. Everyone in the class raised their hands, but only three looked seriously worried. The teacher, a brunette in the front who looked similar to the teacher, and a funny looking kid behind her with a funny haircut and a turtle neck. "Can I see you three in the hall?" I ask them. We all walk in the hall, and the weird kid shuts the door behind him.

"What are your names?" I ask.

"Riley Matthews." The girl says.

"Mr. Matthews." The teacher.

"Farkle Minkus." I eye him for a second caught off guard by his name.

"I'm Jade Novoa. Who was that who ran out of the room?" I ask.

"Lucas, Maya's boyfriend." Riley answers.

"Lucas ran out because Maya just got hit by a car." I say.

Riley and Farkle dart out the door while Mr. Matthews hands me his lanyard and says, "You're are the teacher now, Ms. Novoa." and then he runs out following Riley and Farkle. I look at the lanyard and say, "Yeah, okay...." as I walk into the class.


Has anyone else noticed they say "Yeah, okay." a lot? Or is it just me? I might update "Big Decision" tonight. For scenes and secrets follow my Instagram account "gmw.ships" I just started it yesterday.

-Annabeth :-)

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