20. Let loose

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"Hmm... this actually looks kind of cool." Star pointed at a picture in the magazine I am reading.

"We could try it I guess." I replied the bird, flipping to the next page.

It was then I heard the door open, looking up from the magazine just in time to see the grumpy, blue-haired trainer returning back to the hostel, his hyper cousin still prancing around him even as they entered the building.

Star, Winter and I had decided to await the boys' return, opting to read up a book about contests in the waiting lobby while we were...well... waiting.

Topaz and Jacky had been busy catching up on matters beside our group, but the two spiritmals immediately stopped their conversation the moment the two boys walked into the lobby.

"So, how was the shopping trip?" I asked them, though it was painfully obvious that one of them enjoyed it tremendously while the other didn't.

"A waste of time." Felix grumbled.

"Oh come on! Maybe you'll have enjoyed it more if you picked out a bow tie for Topaz while I was trying to find one for Jacky." Richard countered.

"Richard, how many time must I tell you that I'm not a coordinator? I've no use for bow ties!" Felix continued.

"You don't need to attend a contest just cause your spiritual wears a bow tie. It's something called fashion Fels!"

"I know the definition of fashion, thank you." Felix folded his arms, signing once more as he turned his attention towards me. "Thanks for looking after Topaz."

"Oh, that wasn't a problem at all." I replied as Felix picked up his spiritmal, walking back to his room with a protesting Richard and a bouncing Jacky behind him.

"Geez... how does he put up with Richard 24/7?" Star asked no one in particular after they had left the area.

"To be honest, I don't even think he does." Winter replies.

"Em, I think we should go to bed early." Star changed the topic as she looked up at the clock in the lobby. "We'll have to be early if we want to catch Felix for a battle tomorrow."

"You're right Star, but I think we should have half an hour of training before that. Are the two of you up for sparring?"

"Sure!" Winter agreed immediately, her tail shaking vigorously and nearly slapping Star in her face.

"I guess I'm up for a bit of sparring..." Star agreed, flying up to avoid the tail wag.

With that, I leaded the two spiritmals out of the hostel; Winter starting off the match with a blizzard/ fairy wind combo...

"He usually wakes this early on his own?" I yawned a little, drinking a sip of instant coffee and looking up at the clock. It was roughly five thirty in the morning, a full hour before the time I usually woke.

"Um... actually, I don't really remember..." Star looked thoughtful. Winter was asleep, the wolfabeast would take nearly any opportunity to get some rest, and sometimes I wondered if it was due to the training she had endured under Sleet. Caring for the spiritmals after team Alchama's disbandment thought me a thing or two about life under the evil organization. About how the spiritmals are expected to be alert at all times, and how they tried to rest as much as possible whenever they weren't out on the field.

An excited chirp from Star brought me back to reality. Seeing Felix and topaz entering the waiting lobby, I quickly finished up my coffee and dumped the paper cup in a nearby bin.

"What are you doing up so early?" The male questioned as he approached us.

"We wanted a battle, that's all." I replied him, Star chirping excitedly in agreement.

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