7. Questions

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"Ah! Young ones... what brings you to my humble lab so early in the morning?" Professor Nightshade smiled gently as we entered her laboratory. Star chirped in awe as we entered, clearly amazed by the lab's interior design.

"This place is amazing... those stones shine fantastically under the light of the lamp." she briefly communicated with me via telepathy.

"I know." I replied the bird, focusing my attention back on the Professor.

"Professor Nightshade, we are here because we have a few questions..." I replied. "It's about Star."

The professor's gaze darkened. "I see. Remember the meeting room? We'll talk about it there."

The professor stood up, her bun bobbing up and down as she led the way towards the room. Like the last time, me and Felix followed her, Spiritmals at our side.

The door of the room creaked as the Professor pushed it open. She then proceeded to usher us into the room before closing the door behind her.

"Have a seat." She gestured at the chairs, sitting down on the one closest to her. Me and Felix complied, each of us taking a seat.

"So, let's cut to the chase. What about Star?" The Professor questioned.

"Star told me that she may die... if she evolves one more time." I started. "So I was hoping that you would know..."

"Where to find the Glowstaride everstone?" Professor Nightshade sighed. "I knew it..."

"You knew?" Felix questioned, folding his arms.

Professor Nightshade sighed. "A month after you rescued Star, I managed to find another ruin that speaks of the Glowstaride." The professor started, pushing her glasses up. "It spoke of their lifestyle, and how they mature. That's how I know about this."

"Where do we find the stone then?" I asked.

"Honestly, I've no idea." The professor replied. However, I could tell you what I found at those ruins.

Well, I guess that story would be better than nothing. "Sure, go on Professor."

She cleared her throat. "Apparently, a long long time ago, Glowstaride lived in peace with a tribe of humans. Then, most Glowstaride start evolving before they were ready, due to their limited exposure to danger. As such, the Dawnmorix of that time made a stone to help with this problem. A stone to help prevent Glowstaride from evolving until they have grown strong enough to survive. The tribe back then had a truce with phoenixight. They had promised to help defend the territory of the Glowstaride. In return, they were able to use a part of the Stone's power to allow one of them, their leader, to live a longer life and to lead them through prosperity."

"I see..." I replied, not really understanding where the story was going. Sensing a bit of motion, I looked towards Felix's direction to find the said boy with an uneasy look in his eyes. Even Topaz seemed to be more restless than usual. Did he know about the story? Or was I just imaging things?

"One day, however, a hurt hunter with a cat-like spiritmal was brought to the village to heal. During his time there, the hunter learned about the Glowstaride and the Stone's powers, deciding to pocket the stone to help his own village survive from a recent invasion from an unknown spiritmal. At first, he asked nicely for the stone. However, when he knew that he wouldn't be able to get the stone that way, he used brutal force, using only his Spiritmal to kill off nearly the entire village and even a few of the helpless Glowstaride. Even Dawnmorix and Phoenixight tried fighting of the Spiritmal to no avail. As such, they left this planet behind with the Glowstaride they had left. However, they also left behind three stones. The Glowstaride everstone to avoid further bloodshed and to end the war, and the Dawn and Dusk stones so that any missing Glowstaride could reconcile with their family. From then on, however, they never made another everstone, afraid that someone else would use it against them."

"Whoa..." Star commented, intrigued by a piece of her own unknown history. Even Winter seemed engaged, as she was listening instead of sleeping like what she usually did.

"Where... where did you find these ruins?" Felix questioned, seeming to know something that we didn't.

"Twenty kilometers from Monarmal Town." Professor Nightshade replied, seeming to realize something the next moment. "That reminds me..."

Professor Nightshade was about to go on. However, she thought otherwise when she saw Felix glaring at her. I was confused, did she know something that I didn't?

"So... I guess we'll be heading to Mornamal Town next?" I suggested.

"I guess..." Felix stared off into space. Something was obviously on his mind. After all, he doesn't usually get distracted as easily as I do.

"Thanks for your help Professor." We shook hands.

"Anything for you and Star." The professor replied. "Do I need to see you two to the door?"

I shook my head. "Thanks, but we'll be fine." I exited the room, Felix behind me.

Felix was obviously still distracted. However, it wasn't until we were out of the lab when I questioned him.

"What's up?"

"The top of the cave." He grumbled.

I glared at him.

He groaned. "It's something for me to know and for you to hopefully never find out."

I just blinked, unable to reply him. He sighed, walking towards the train station. I watched as he walked away, following after him a few moments later.

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