Don't Suffer Alone (Yoongi Sickfic)

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Requested by fairygarden3

Yoongi pov

"Yoongi, wake up! I know it's our off day but we still need to prepare for Jungkook's birthday. Hurry up!" Taehyung whispered in my ear and rushed out of the room.

I opened my eyes slowly and groaned because of the pain in my throat.
Huh... Not again.

There was nobody beside me. Everybody must be outside, discussing about his birthday celebration. I somehow trudged to the cupboard in my room to grab the thermometer. I went to the washroom so that nobody could know that I was sick.
Afterall, it was our maknae's day.

I checked the temperature. It was about 101°F but it felt like 104.
But I couldn't tell other members about my condition. They were already busy and I didn't want to burden them with this silly sickness of mine.

I washed up myself, popped a couple of medicines which were in the first aid kit and went outside.

"Hyung! Write his name with blue jelly on top of the cake" Jimin said to Jin.

"Yeah. Has anyone woken up Yoongi yet?" Jin asked.

"Im here hyung. Good morning." Yoongi said, trying to make his voice sound as okay as possible despite the shooting pain in his throat.

"Where is Jungkook?"

"He has gone to the gym. He'll return in 2 hours. We still need to do a lot of preparations" Jin answered.

"Come here, I need your help in filling the helium balloons" Hobi said.


<Time skip>

Jungkook was about to come back in 15 minutes. I tried my best to hide my sickness but the intensity was increasing minute by minute. I felt like I would pass out at any moment.

"Hyung, can you pass me scissors?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, here" I was about to hand it over to him but it slipped from my hand and fell on the ground. Jimin and I tried to grab the scissors simultaneously. Our hands came in contact and he instantly felt that my hands were burning up.

"Hyung, are you alright?"
He was about to touch my forehead but quickly took a step back and prevented him from touching it.

"Y-yeah! W-what will h-happen to me, ha? Haha... Let's get back to work. Jungkook will be arriving at any moment" I said, diverting his attention towards the main topic.

"Hmm.... Let's place the cake on dining table."


After a few minutes, Jungkook arrived and we all wished him in unison. We was very happy to see his hyungs celebrating his birthday in such a lovely manner. He was really touched by our hardwork.

"Thank you hyungs!"

"Aww... Anything for you kook" Jin hyung said.

Then we went to the dining table where his cake was kept. I was losing my balance. My body felt like jelly. I just wanted to close my eyes amd take some rest.

Jungkook cut his cake and we sang the birthday song. Then he started opening his gifts from army and us.
I was on the peak point of tiredness.
Everything seemed blurry and then there was a blackout.

<Jin pov>

Jungkook was showing his ironman figurine that he received as a gift when I heard a loud thud from my left side. Everybody turned their heads towards the direction of the sound to see Yoongi lying on the floor.

"YOONGI!" I screamed and everybody picked him up and made his limp body sit on the couch. His body was burning.

"Bring some water!"
Jungkook handed over a glass of water from the table and I sprinkled a few drops of water on his face. He flinched and flickered his eyes open.

"Are you okay? Can you hear me Yoongi?" I asked, shaking his shoulder lightly.

"Mmhm.. I'm..." he mumbled in a hoarse voice

"Is your throat hurting?"

He hummed in response. Taehyung brought a thermometer and I checked his temperature. It was 102°F.

"Namjoon and Jungkook, take him to the bedroom. Jimin and I will prepare ginger tea for him. Hoseok, keep a towel soaked in cold water on his forehead. Taehyung, call the doctor."

Jimin and I prepared ginger tea for him and went to the bedroom. He was resting his tired head on Jungkook's shoulder and Namjoon was covering him with blankets. Hoseok was holding a wet towel on his forehead. Taehyung was still talking to the doctor.

"Yoongi, have this. It will soothe down your throat" I handed over the cup to Yoongi who held it in his shaky hands.

"Why didn't you tell us that you were sick?" I asked.

"I... I thought it was just a normal cold... I even took medicines in the morning but..."

"I know you are lying, hyung" Hoseok said.

"No, I actually had the medicines.."

"I know you didn't mention about your health because of me" Jungkook said with a sad face.

"No... It was nothing serious.."

"Yoongi, you could have told us about your health without any hesitation. We were all already preparing for his celebration."

"B-but I didn't want to b-burden you w-with this silly s-sickness of m-mine..." Yoongi said with a shaky hoarse voice and teary eyes.

"I just want my hyungs to be healthy and happy. That's the biggest happiness I can ever wish for" Jungkook said ams hugged Yoongi.

"I'm sorry for not taking care of myself. Now please don't be sad. I'll be okay really soon" Yoongi consoled the maknae.

<Time skip>

The doctor checked him and prescribed some medicines. Yoongi slept for 2 hours and I prepared porridge for him.

"Wake up Yoongi. Have some food. You haven't eaten anything since morning"

"Mhmm... Yeah..." he mumbled and opened his eyes.

"Porridge!?" he said amd raised his brows.

"And you think that I'll give you fire noodles, ha?"

"I wish I could eat that!"

<Time skip>

It took him 2 days to recover properly. The other 6 members took good care of him and now he was all set to get back to work. Who can remain sick when you have such a loving and caring family like bangtan!


It's not proof-read.
I hope you enjoyed reading my first ever oneshot.
I'm curiously waiting to write more stuff that y'll wanna read.
💜Requests are open💜

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