No Wann' Needles 5.0! (Jin Littlespace Sickfic)

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Requested by __yoyo_yoyo

Little age: 3

Namjoon pov

"I told him to take some rest... Why the heck doesn't he listen to me? Yoongi muttered, losing his temper bit by bit at hyung's deteriorating health.

Jin hyung had been under hugh stress lately. Restricted diet, insanely tiresome routine, interviews, comeback preparation and everything was so overwhelming for each one of us that nobody was in their right state of mind. Excitement of future comeback and pressure of the present was taking the best of us.

Jin hyung being the eldest, was probably the best at handling any extent of stress. But even the strongest need a break, right?

So there he was, totally exhausted. His health was not doing too well since we debuted a few months back. He was severally vitamin deficient, multivitamin tablets being his only way to keep his body going.

Thinking that fatigue and body aches were just because of gym and vigorous dance routine, Jin kept missing his doctor's appointment. And that day, when we all were granted a leave by the company to get an annual health check up, hyung had slipped into littlespace.

"He must be really stressed..." Yoongi mumbled, barely eating anything from his plate.

"That's okay hyung, we'll handle him" I said, taking a spoonful of oatmeal. Except for Taehyung and Jungkook, everybody was on diet. Though we were allowed to have a cheat meal for our dinner that night.

Everybody else besides the little was done having their breakfast, some doing house chores while others were preparing for the appointment. Yoongi, who previously had gave up on his breakfast was about to have another bite when we heard somebody crying from the room.

That was Jin.

"Tsk.. This is driving me crazy!" he growled, throwing the spoon on the table surface and stomped into the room.

"Wait hyung!" I left my food on the table, prioritising to go with the angry male to make sure he didn't lash out on the little, even though it was unlikely to happen.

"Yoon-" I followed him to the threshold, and my feet stopped.

"Hey stop!" Yoongi screamed, cringing at the little's behaviour who had engulfed him into a tight hug from back, still crying because of some unknown reason. He hated any form of physical touch, but as it was little Jin who wanted that, he couldn't help but stand there even though he didn't like it.

"Jinnie legs huwt!" he wailed, hiding his face in hyung's shirt.

"And Jinnie hate docto'! Jinnie no go!" he added, basically shouting right into Yoongi's ears who was trying to keep his ears away from by tilting his head to the other side, although it was hardly of any help.

"Who told you we are going to the doctor's?" I intervened, walking towards the olders. We hadn't informed him about the appointment, as we didn't want to scare him beforehand.

"TaeTae tol' eomma..."

"Huh?" I frowned at Yoongi, who looked like a cat with blocked airways.

"He must've overhead Taehyung's conversation with his parents" Yoongi explained the possible scenario. Unknowingly, the younger had given Yoongi a reason to vent out the surging anger.


And the drama began.

Time skip
Yoongi pov

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