¡Important Announcement!

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Hello y'all! 🥰

So I hope some of you must have read the chapter "A Bully's Past" hich I posted yesterday. I'm glad that many of you liked it.

I was thinking of writing a new book and... Based upon the positive reaction I got for the above mentioned oneshot, I'm thinking of converting it into a book!

So I'm going to write a Taekook book which I will probably start from tomorrow or within this week.

Rest of the details will be mentioned in the book itself. It took me a hugh time to get myself ready for writing  taekook stuff. I do enjoy reading about the ship but you know, writing about sensitive topics is an ordeal.

Now that I'm up for the challenge, Imma try my best to present to you what I can do. Don't keep your expectations too high bcz it's gonna be my first time trying smut and other sensitive issues.

And I'll be continuing with this book as well, so worry not. All of the accepted requests will be posted here gradually😁

Thankyou for always showering me with your love and support💜 and I can't thank you enough for being so patient and understanding🥺💜

Love y'all so much😘💜

Now I'll see you there soon! 😁✌️


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