Teethie Troubles (Jimin Littlespace Sickfic)

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Requested by iminJIMINsmouth
Thankyou for waiting patiently for soo long!!


Caregiver: Yoongi (23)
Little: Jimin (18)
Little age: 4


"Jimin-ah! Have your breakfast... You didn't even have dinner yesterday... Be quick" I called out the younger from kitchen area, trying to flip the omelette carefully.

"Arghhh... This is so messy!" I muttered under my breath, an irritated expression plastered on my face as some contents of the omelette scattered on the kitchen counter while flipping.

"Jimin-ah!! Aren't you out of the washroom yet!?" I shouted with a slight frustration, mainly because of the mess I had created.

Amidst the hissing and popping sounds of the pan, it was impossible to hear anything below appropriate decibels. So even if Jimin was answering to my shouts, it was unlikely to be perceived by my ears.

After cooking two omelettes, I plated them nicely and went to the dining table.

"Jimin-ah!! Come here... See what hyungie's made for you!" I called him again, filling two glasses of orange juice and keeping them alongside our plates.

"C-coming hyung!" Jimin's voice was heard, after which I sat on the chair and pulled out my phone to check any important notifications.

"Good morning hyung..." Jimin walked out of the room in his cute bear pajamas smilingly. When he sat on the chair beside me, I noticed large dark bags under his twinkling eyes which were probably because of playing video games all night. It was his favourite thing to do on saturday nights.

"Did you pull an all-nighter again?" I asked, unimpressed by the younger's negligence towards sleep even though it was weekend.

Being a high schooler as well as a trainee, Jimin barely used to get a four to five hours of sleep during weekdays. Instead of using the weekends wisely, he used to make himself even more tired by giving up his sleep on a childish game.

Highly immature behavior.

"Ah.. Haha.. You caught me again.." he laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"Aish! Kids these days can't keep their eyes off the screen!" I facepalmed at the the shorter, then continuing with the breakfast.

After taking a few bites, I looked at Jimin who was busy typing something on his phone, barely eating anything from the plate. He had only finished the juice yet, which was quite an unusual thing because the younger was a foodie.

He had an incredible speed at having his food while I was a lazy one. And I had never seen him bringing his phone at the dining table, knowing that it was an impolite act.

"Jimin, keep that phone down and have your food" I said sternly, in response to which he shot up his head at me and bowed his head slightly to apologize.

"Sorry hyung..." he mumbled before putting the mobile in his pocket. Then he began taking a bite of omelette, very slowly and carefully. Again, it was a very strange scene to encounter while I had expected him to have the whole thing down in one go.

The way he was chewing it so cautiously got me thinking that he wasn't interested in having the dish. On the other hand, the dark bags under his tired eyes and his weak pale face looked worrisome.

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