Chapter 1: What The Hair?!

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Have you ever woken up on an ordinary day, and found that everything had changed? Well, it happened to someone. And her whole life was rearranged. This is the story of a normal girl that woke up on her tenth birthday to find that her world had been turned upside down forever.

A few months later, she discovered another dimension, with a boy her age that was just like her, bored with normal life and eagerly awaiting something amazing to happen. Something that would make his life not so normal. She intervened, trying to help him out. One year later, disaster struck. And this, is where the story begins. . . .

*Ben Tennyson*

" Morning doofus," said a voice. I opened my eyes slowly to see my cousin standing above me. I groaned. I wasn't annoyed at her. But it was 4:30 A.M. I was beyond tired from yesterday's battle against Z'scare.

" Morning dweeb. Don't think I'm not thrilled to see your ugly face, but it's 4:30 in the morning. I don't know about you, but I'm tired from last night's invasion of the Ghost Zone, or whatever that freaks homeworld is called."

" C'mon, Ben. We have to wake up early for-"

" The chore list. I know, I know. What does Mom want us to do now?" Gwen's parents had to go away for two weeks to visit her grandmother. Gwen wanted to go to, but her parents didn't want her to miss any school, not that she would miss much. Today's the first day of spring break.

Gwen staying with her cousin, aunt, and uncle who lived in the exact same city was the obvious solution. I'll never admit it to anyone, not even myself, but I kind of liked her living with us.

It was like summer break all over again. Only, instead of Grandpa telling us what to do, it was Mom, who loved dishing out chores. And another pair of hands was exactly what she needed.

" Nothing. I just wanted to wake up so we can go on patrol," she said, pulling me by the arm out of bed. I rubbed my eyes.

" What do you mean?"

" You do know about all the alien sightings we've been getting around here right? And we're trying to keep it low-profile so we can keep aliens out of our world.

If word gets out about all the aliens coming out into Bellwood-which may I remind you is supposed to be considered the most normal town in the world-people might start to wonder. Not where they're coming from. . . ."

" . . .but what they're after. Which is me and the watch. I got it. I'm coming." I sighed. I was about to grab my clothes, but Gwen grabbed my hand. She twisted it around and held up a pile of clothes.

" Here." In the pile, I could see a freshly washed white and black T-shirt, green cargo pants, socks, and my sneakers. All neatly folded, something I couldn't do in a million light years. She placed the pile in my hand and turned me by the sholders into the bathroom.

" Thanks, Gwen." She closed the door on me. I heard her start to tap her foot after a few secound.


" Okay, let's go." She looked at her wrist, like there was an invisible watch on it. I glanced down at my own watch half-heartedly. " Finally! Come on. Bellwood isn't going to patrol itself." I twisted the watch until I saw Stinkfly. I slapped it.

I waited until Gwen's eyes adjusted to the flash, and then I bended down so she could climb on my back. I flew out the window. The morning air was very cold, yet oddly refreshing. Apparently the feeling wasn't mutual.

By the time we had gotten to our patrol point, Gwen was shivering like crazy. I frowned as I watched the goosebumps get noticeably larger on her skin. She looked at me and sighed. But her arms and body didn't stop shivering.

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