Chapter 9: It's All Gonna Happen To Me Out There

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*Alex Chase*

Last night–at exactly 9:30 PM–I reached my breaking point. The Rooters snapped me in half. Them, and their twisted lies. They wanted to kill the two most important people in the world in exchange for the Sundrop on my neck.

And I have very little resistance against people who want to hurt my freind's. The Rooters slowly chiseled away at my line of patience and sanity towards them the longer they pestered me and my best freind's, and especially when they tried to kill them before I was here.

I keep my powers safely tucked away in the recesses of my soul. My true potential as the weilder of the magic of the Sundrop is far more potent then anyone could've imagined.

The incantation I sing expresses what the Sun symbolizes in Greek myth–since Apollo is the god of the Sun and the god of physicians, the Sun symbolizes the power to heal–the other incantation expresses the power of the Sun.

And if you figure out how to control it, the power inside the amulet on my chest would equal to that of a god. Which is why I can't let any mortal/alien take it. It would mean the end of the Multiverse as we know it.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes—it was the last 24 hours of spring break. This was our last chance to subdue the Rooters until summer vacation.

Until then, if there was any trouble, we would have to find a way to sneak out of school. And it wasn't too easy to keep track of the crime rate when it was worlds apart.

" Ben, what's the latest on the scanners?" Max asked.

" Nothing so far," Ben reported.

" Gwen, how about the Plumber monitors?"

" No alien ships in range of transmission," said Gwen.

" Alex?"

" Dioses malvados!" I cursed. " Nada! Servantis and the Rooters have been very careful about talking about their plans in our dimension." I groaned in frustration. In a fit of anger, I kicked a pillow off the bed hard, and it ended up knocking a glass at about into the refrigerator and shattering it into a million glittering peices.

I huffed dramatically and snapped my fingers. The peices formed back together and the perfect glass resumed location on the counter. Ben frowned at me.

Wordlessly, he grabbed my hands and pulled me to the counter. He pulled the roof hatch open and climbed up. Having nothing else better to do, I followed him, effortlessly jumping through the hole in the roof.

I instantly felt the strong wind blow through my long hair. I sighed from the amazing relaxation. It was my favorite thing in the world. It made me feel so free. I watched Ben smirk at my blissful face. I raised an eyebrow.

" You sneaky little...," I started. Ben held his hand up to stop me. His smirk turned back into a frown and he looked at me worriedly.

" You okay, Alex?" He asked. I sighed in defeat. I looked up at the beautiful brilliant green trees above us.

" Not really," I admitted. " I have to go back to the academy at midnight tonight at the latest and we still haven't found the Rooters. What if...what if something bad happens while I'm not here.

And even worse, if it does, I probably could've prevented it, but then I wouldn't have been there to and–" Ben stopped my paranoid rant by pulling me into a tight hug. I was a little shocked at first, but then I closed my eyes and smiled.

Ben let me go after about seven seconds and looked at me. I felt a little heat rise on my cheeks and twisted a lock of my very long bangs in embarrassment. Ben rubbed the back of his neck.

Alex Chase: The Mana Princess (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now