Chapter 8: You Don't Know Me

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*Gwen Tennyson*

Kevin Levin is a misunderstood person. I used to think that he was just scared, forced into something he didn't agree with. But sometimes, you have to accept that some people aren't how they appear to be. Today taught me one of the hardest lessons I've ever had to learn.

My cousin was already taught several big lessons over the course of that road trip last year. I guess it was my turn. It didn't seem fair that I'd had to learn it the hard way though. But, as Alex likes to remind us, most of the time, life isn't fair. And there were thousands of others who knew that much better then I did.


" Remind me why we're up here again?" I asked. Alex and Ben couldn't have been having more fun. They were racing across the metal like nobody's business.

" To stop an alien robbery before it happens." Alex called down.

" No, I know that. I mean, why do we have to be way up here?" We were currently climbing to the top of Gangkhar Puensum. Alex was an incredible climber.

And Ben was using Wildvine's powers to keep pace with her. I only had my mediocre magic, and I was barley keeping up with them. It really hurt to admit it, but they were both much more powerful then me. Especially Alex.

" How do...know it's even up here?" I asked, stopping to catch my breath. Alex paused, which made Ben pause.

" I...I um...I had a vision," she said slowly. I smirked.

" And were did this vision come from?"

" A...dream."

" Ha! I knew it!" I yelled excitedly.

" It's not what you think."

" Really? Cause' it sounds like you were seeing the future."

" I...I...."

" Admit it! It was a vision from the future!"

" It was not! The Fates sent it me and...," Alex paused. She realized what she had just said.

" The gods sent you a vision? You are clairvoyant!" I yelled triumphantly. Alex sharply glared down at me.

" I am not!" She cried out.

" Then what are you, Alex?" I asked in a startling amount of impatience. Alex froze mid-jump. I suddenly got very scared.

" Alex!" I yelped. She started to fall with that look of fear and confusion on her face.  Ben instantly caught her. His vine arms brought her over to the beam she had just been standing on. Alex shook her head like she had just come out of a daydream, looking dizzy.

" You okay, Alex? You kinda froze," said Ben. Alex smiled weakly.

" Uh, yeah. Just got a little lightheaded, you know, from the altitude change," she said quickly. I was a getting a little lightheaded myself from climbing so high at such a quick pace. We were almost at the summit.

" Why can't you just transport us up there?"

" Because, instantly going from one altitude to a dramatically different one is incredibly dangerous. At least this time, we get more time to acclimate," she said.

" And, it's much more fun!" Ben added. Alex grinned.

" That too," she said. I rolled my eyes.

" You two are made for each other," I muttered. Alex stopped suddenly again.

" What was that, Gwen?" She asked. Aw crud, forgot about her super hearing.

" Nothing!" I called up.

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