Chapter 12: Cassidy Nightingale

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*Alex Chase*

Almost everybody has their own secret fear. Something that you only share with people like your best friend, or a family member you know would never spill your secret for anything. I never knew what mine was for a while.

*Ben Tennyson*

That was, until the watch showed up. My new, crazy, alien fighting life taught me that there are some people I can't live without. Like my cousin Gwen. She's a family member I know would never let me down, and she's also my best freind.

Therefore, she's the only one who I've told about my secret fear. Although, I was pretty sure she already knew when I finally admitted it to her. The only fearless person I've met was a girl named Alex Chase.

Nothing scares her. I'm serious. I really like that about Alex. It drives Gwen crazy. I like that fact that Alex is absolutely perfect makes Gwen nuts almost more then I like the fact that she's fearless.

*Gwen Tennyson*

Alex Chase drives me a little bit insane every day. But today, she went off the wire. I've never seen her like this. So afraid. So angry. It made me scared.


If you don't let go of what scares you, if you don't tell anyone, then it will come come out in the worst possible way. It'll hurt both you and the people you hold close to your heart.


A few seconds ago...

*Alex Chase*

" Stay away from me!" I cried. The words just burst out, like I'd been holding them back this whole time. It hadn't felt like I'd been holding anything back. That was for sure. But that didn't stop them from coming out. And it also didn't stop me from crying afterwards.

" Alex, we're not going anywhere. Talk to us. Tell us what's wrong," said Ben.

"...I...I made a mistake. A really big mistake. And now I can't take it back," I said, whipping the tears off my eyes.

" Alex, we're here for you," said Gwen, putting her hand on my shoulder. Ben nodded.

" What happened?" He asked.

" I can't tell you, I'm sorry," I said. Ben sighed. His grip loosened on my arms. J looked up. I felt a tiny gasp escape my lips. Ben was so much more different then I remembered. But his eyes...his gorgeous brilliant green eyes hadn't changed much at all, if a bit more maturity had entered them.

" Um...," said Ben. I felt drawn to him for a long moment. Gwen had visibly backed up and was just watching us now, like an entertaining movie. But honestly, I couldn't care less. All I could think about was how close I was to Ben, and how much I wanted to kiss him.

We got closer and closer to each other, our bodies refusing to move apart. Ben's lips gently brushed against mine, and a shiver went up my spine. It felt so nice to be like this again.

It proved the magnetic attraction we had last year hadn't weakened in the slightest. We both closed our eyes, finally about to pull in. But before we could, Gwen interrupted, getting inpatient.

" Oh, would you two just kiss already?!" She cried out. My eyes snapped open and I instantly detached myself from around him. He pulled himself away from me.

" Oh man!" Ben yelled, blushing fiercely.

" Come on! You could almost see the electricity!" Gwen cried. My cheeks caught on fire.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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