Chapter 3: Moonstone Times Fifty

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“ Why do I have to carry Ben?” Gwen complained.

" This is no walk in the park for me either ya know," I grumbled. Alex froze and slowly turned around. A dark glare was etched into her face. Gwen looked scared. And I was pretty sure I did too.

“Gwen Tennyson, let me make something clear. You have to carry your cousin because I have to track Kevin Levin—a kid who possess all of Ben's alien powers—and four other amalgam kids so that they don't find a small, but active part of one of the most powerful magical stones in the Multiverse.

I’m sorry if carrying Ben to the place where we have to be to find it is too much for you, while I have to carry around the intense weight of knowing I could've caused the end of humanity as we know it.

If you want, you could carry the weight of knowing you perpetually brought a very disastrous, very agonizing end to Ben's life, and I could carry your cousin the next couple yards to the center of the government laboratory.”

Alex said it in an apologetic voice, but there was heavy sarcasm laced throughout the whole thing. Gwen grumbled something about how dramatic hanging out with Alex was on a daily basis. “ But you haven’t even spent a full twenty four hours with me yet Gwen, so how could you possibly tell I’m like this every day?” Gwen kept her mouth shut after that.

" Ooh! She totally owned you!" I laughed.

" Shut it, Ben!" Gwen yelled. Alex retained her position from before and floated ominously down the hallway. It to a room without a door. There was a bright blue light coming from inside.

When we entered, I realized it was not one source of blue light, but hundreds of them. There were hundreds of small platforms lined up in the room, each with a necklace that had some form of blue stone on it somewhere.

Green energy electrified the air. Suddenly, I heard a loudly beeping. I glanced at my wrist and gasped. The watch was going nuts, glowing green and sparkling wildly. I was yanked forward.

“ Ahh, what's happening?!” I yelled, trying to break free of the watch, which was pulling me in random directions around the room.

“ No wait, let it drag you, it will take us to the correct peice of Moonstone. I used a case that would only activate if the correct DNA signature was touched by it.”

“ I’ve touched a lot of people with the watch. How can it tell if it's me?” I yelled from across the room. Alex raced after me at top speed, not even breaking a sweat. Gwen raced after her.

“ By touched, I mean you’ve hit them with the aliens powers.”

“ Oh, that makes more sense.” 

“ Well, well, well. Isn't this a wonderful coincidence,” A voice said from behind us. We turned around. Kevin and the aliens from my watch, plus that Peirce kid were standing in one of the few doorways in the room.

I completely forgot about the watch dragging me down random aisles. Alex's eyes narrowed. She clenched her fists. I would've too, if I hadn't been occupied with the watch.

Speaking of the watch, it slowed down. It came to an unexpected stop at the middle of the room, in front of three platforms. I wondered why I hadn't noticed they was different. For one, they were raised slightly higher then the rest and they had a certain aura about them.

" Go away Kevin," said Gwen.

" Sorry Gwen. I've got a job to do," he answered.

" Yeah, destroying Ben. That's not gonna happen!" Kevin's crush on Gwen would only buy me so much time. I had to find this necklace fast. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Alex's glare sharpen. Her eyes turned from violet to brillant green in a flash. Her hair started to glow. Kevin looked weirded out.

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