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"erica? blonde, epileptic erica?"

"yes addy, for the millionth time, that erica. we have been talking about the same person for the last ten minutes," derek sighed, quickly becoming irritated by his younger sister. he had just told her and isaac that erica had accepted the bite, and for some reason, maddy could not understand that they were talking about the same erica.

"i thought you liked erica?" isaac asked from next to her. the three werewolves were currently in the abandoned subway, maddy reluctantly accepting that she would have to spend a majority of her time not at school here. "didn't you get like three detentions for punching some guy on the basketball team after her posted one of her seizures on facebook?"

"excuse me?" derek asked, looking at his sister, who quickly elbowed isaac in the ribs.

the one responsibility derek had given maddy when they moved back to beacon hills was to stay out of trouble at school, which she had done if you didn't count that little incident. up until now, she hadn't, because if derek didn't know about it then it was basically the same as if it hadn't happened. she had a friend in new york with epilepsy, and the few times maddy had been with her when she had a seizure were terrifying. so when she found out that some asshole on the basketball team had recorded one of erica's seizures and posted it on facebook, she took it upon herself to get revenge for the blonde, knowing the other girl wouldn't do anything.

"i didn't hit him that hard!" she defended. "only enough to break his nose."

"alright, so if you don't hate erica, what's your problem?"

"oh, i don't have any problems, i'm just surprised she agreed is all," maddy shrugged, oblivious to the fact isaac and derek were both looking at her like she was speaking latin. "honestly, i'm kinda just excited to have another girl around."

derek shook his head once, rubbing his forehead as he tried to understand her thought process.

"i just...i don't even know where to start with that," he mumbled.

♛ ♛ ♛

maddy walked next to derek, bored out of her mind. she was growing tired of scott and derek's constant disagreements, and she wasn't excited to spend yet another night defending derek to scott. isaac and erica were close behind her, the two of them still slightly clueless about what was about to go down.
"if you're looking for friends, you could do a lot better than derek."

she rolled her eyes at scott's words, stopping so she was positioned slightly behind derek. the formation reminded her of the few times she'd seen other packs visit her mother, the alpha in front, the second in command slightly behind, the rest of the betas in the back. she didn't really consider herself derek's second in command, but she supposed that was what she was.

"that really hurts, scott."

the teenage boy turned around to face them at the sound of derek's voice, surprised they were able to sneak up on him considering they were on an ice rink. maddy was honestly amazed one of them hadn't fallen, and by one of them, she meant herself.

"i mean if you're going to review me, at least take a consensus. addy, how do you think i've been as an alpha so far?" he asked, never taking his eyes off scott.

"all things considered, i'd say things are going surprisingly well," the brunette smirked at the teenage boy, crossing her arms over her chest.

"erica, how's life been for you since we met?"

"in a word? transformative," the blonde snarled, showing off her new fangs.


"well, i'm a bit bummed about being a fugitive, but other than that, i'm great," he smiled, clasping his hands behind his back.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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