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the brunette stepped over a log as she walked through the forest surrounding her house, pulling her hands inside the sleeves of her leather jacket as she crossed her arms. she hadn't planned on spending her afternoon watching lacrosse or hiking through the woods, but apparently her brother had other ideas. derek had stumbled across scott's inhaler while he was in the woods earlier, and was now dragging his younger sister through the forest to return it to the boy; mainly because he wanted to see, or rather smell, for himself whether or not scott had been bitten.

"come on, derek," she groaned, following behind him as they looked for scott and stiles. "it's cold, can't i just give him his inhaler at school tomorrow?"

he remained quiet as he continued to walk in front of her. she thought it was funny how the only noise coming from the two of them was the sound of her complaining, yet they could hear scott and stiles from a mile away. the younger hale went to speak again, but was stopped by the older man before she could.

"shut up, i'm trying to hear what they're saying," derek snapped, causing the brunette to put her hands up in defense. they were close enough now that they could see the other two teenagers. maddison stopped and leaned up against a tree while derek stood next to her.

the siblings listened as the two boys talked, scott kneeling down to look through the leaves for his inhaler as stiles stood next to him. maddy looked over at her brother, trying to figure out what his plan was. she knew that he wanted to help scott learn to control his transitions, but wasn't sure how ambushing him in the middle of the woods was going to make scott trust him. and knowing derek, he wasn't going to make the best first impression.

she let out a sigh as derek began to walk towards scott and stiles. she was always amazed at how derek could make his presence so unknown. the brunette often told the older boy he would make a great spy, since he could hide somewhere for ages without anyone realising he was there.

stiles looked around, jumping and hitting scott when he noticed derek. she shook her head at her brother, who, as much as he would deny it, had a flare for dramatic entrances. derek continued walking towards the two of them, and maddy laughed as she began to smell the fear radiating off scott and stiles.

"what are you doing here? this is private property," he said, his voice lower than normal. the older man stared at scott and stiles, both of whom were obviously terrified of him. he shook his head, raising his eyebrows as he waited for them to answer.

"nah man, sorry we didn't know," stiles stuttered. maddy laughed as she looked between the three, derek's threatening posture not helping relieve the fear in the other two.

"we were just looking for something, but...forget it," scott spoke slowly, looking at derek as if he recognized him. she could tell from scott's rigid posture that he didn't trust derek, despite having just met the guy.

derek tossed scott his inhaler, which he caught without blinking, before turning around and walking back over to where the brunette was standing. he paused for a brief moment, giving her a chance to move away from her spot against the tree before heading back in the direction of their house.

stiles and scott noticed the brunette who had been watching their encounter with her brother as she left the small clearing with him. stiles in particular didn't understand how she put up with the guy. he figured it had to have something to do with the fact that he was the only family she had left, but still, the guy looked like he was as much fun to be around as a serial killer.

scott on the other hand, was thinking about how similar the two siblings really were. even from just the small meeting with her brother, he could tell the two had spent most of their time together in the last six years. aside from the obvious sibling traits they shared and their love of the color black, both of them had the same tense posture, like they were constantly on edge, never quite comfortable with their surroundings. both had an air of confidence about them, and both looked like they could rip your head off at any given moment, especially the older hale.

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