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maddy walked into her math class, a frown on her face as she took in her seat at the back of the class. she just had a conversation with her art teacher about entering one of her pieces in a statewide showcase, and was told that if she wanted to submit it, she needed to let the teacher know by the end of the day.

if it was any other piece of art she would have already agreed, but this one was a touchy subject. they were working on portraits when she joined the class, and the project had been to draw someone you admire or look up to, but with a small twist. so, she drew derek. the entire portrait was done in black and white with charcoal, except for his eyes, which were a bright, almost electric blue color. she knew she would have to tell the teacher that she couldn't submit it, but she wanted to know if there was even the tiniest chance derek would let her enter it.

to: big brother
so remember that portrait i did of you with blue eyes for my art class? my teacher wants to submit it for some state showcase. would you be cool with that? i'll only tell her it's okay if you're okay with it.

from: big brother
go ahead, it was amazing. i'm proud of you.

she smiled as she read the text, excited that people besides herself, derek, and her various art teachers would see something that she drew. plus, that was a pretty emotion filled text for derek.

"what are you so happy about" scott asked as he sat down in front of her, the bell ringing as he got in his seat. the brunette's head snapped up at his words, the smile disappearing off her face as she remembered that him and stiles thought that her brother was a murderer, and that he had murdered their sister of all people, though they weren't aware of the last part.

"it's nothing," she mumbled, putting away her phone and grabbing her math binder out of her backpack. scott sighed as he turned around, knowing that he wouldn't get anywhere with her while she was mad at him and stiles.

"mr. mccall, miss martin, would the two of you please complete the problems on the board?"

"why is there a rumor going around that you aren't playing tomorrow?" maddy heard lydia ask scott as she began answering the problem she had been assigned. maddy kept her head down, looking through her binder for last night's homework as she listened to scott and lydia's conversation.

since coming back to beacon hills, the brunette had only had short bits of conversation with lydia, normally when she was with allison and jackson at lunch or lacrosse practice. if she was being quite honest, she couldn't stand lydia. she was pretty sure she'd had more conversations with jackson than she had the redhead, which wasn't something she thought lydia was entirely comfortable with.

maddy took a deep breath as she watched lydia strut back to her seat, sensing the anger that was radiating off scott at her mention of allison and other guys. scott came back to his seat a moment later, his problem finished. incorrect, but finished. she knew ignoring scott wasn't going to help him learn to control himself, sighing as she gave him a few words of reassurance.

"don't let her get to you. allison likes you scott, trust me. i don't think she'd ditch you because you didn't play in one lacrosse game," the brunette assured him, opening her notebook to get ready to copy down today's notes. she grabbed her phone and her earbuds out of her backpack before she continued speaking. "derek and i can help you learn to control it, then you'll be back to kicking ass at lacrosse better than ever."

she knew mentioning derek would probably not help the situation, but scott also needed to realise that maddy couldn't help him without derek. the older man had much more experience, and knew a lot more about training and control than she did. plus, scott needed to get over the idea of derek being a killer, because him thinking that wasn't helping either of them.

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