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the brunette sat on the roof of the hale house, anxiously watching the sunrise. she had been in the same spot for the past ten hours, fighting to stay awake as she waited for her brother to come home. the older werewolf had refused to allow her to go with him when he left to track the alpha, leaving her alone to hope he didn't get himself killed.

"derek! you can't do this by yourself!" she argued, following her brother down the stairs. she was growing frustrated with him as he continued to refuse her help, not understanding why he wouldn't let her do anything.

"i can and i will!" derek yelled, turning around to face the younger girl as he got to the bottom of the stairs. "i said you aren't coming! it wasn't a debate."

"i'm not a little kid anymore derek! laura was my sister too, i want to help find whoever did this to her!"

"you're sixteen maddison!" the brunette stopped at his words, her mouth falling open as he called her maddison. derek rarely ever referred to her by her full name, only using it when he was extremely angry with her. at that point she stopped arguing, knowing she would get nowhere with derek. "you turned sixteen three months ago. i know you want to help, but you can't, not right now. it's my job to protect you, even more now that laura isn't here. i'm not putting your life in danger when we still don't know what we're up against."

"just don't get yourself killed, okay?" she told him quietly, turning around to go back upstairs. derek sighed as he watched the young girl walk away, knowing it hurt her that she couldn't do anything to help find their sister's killer. he walked out the door without saying another word, making sure to leave his keys behind, figuring the least he could do for the girl was leave her his car in case she wanted to leave.

she sat on the rough for another hour, thinking about the fight she had with derek before he left. it was rare that the two actually argued, and she always felt bad afterwards since most of the time she had caused the fight. she understood that he was doing what he thought was best for her, but she still wasn't comfortable with her brother taking the same risks he refused to let her take.

she sighed sighed as she crawled back through the window, a pit forming in her stomach as she considered all the possibilities of why derek still wasn't back yet. luckily enough, he had left his camaro, making the teenage girl wonder if he had planned to be gone this long or if he knew something bad was going to happen to him. she quickly changed her clothes, swapping her sweatpants for a pair of leggings and throwing on an oversized hoodie, not bothering to make any sort of effort in her appearance.

she didn't bother turning on any music for the short drive to school, instead using the time to try and convince herself that derek was fine, and that he left his car because he knew he wasn't going to be back in time to drive her to school. by the time she pulled into the school and found a place to park, she had yet to convince herself derek hadn't been brutally murdered.

the brunette walked into the empty art room, looking around for the teacher for a moment before heading over to the old cubbies they kept their work in. she had decided to skip her first period, not in the mood to listen to her english teacher drone on about symbolism in a book she had already read.

she grabbed one of the plastic cups from the back of the room and filled it up with water, setting it down on one of the tables next to her watercolor block. she grabbed her watercolor palette out of her backpack along with a pencil and her earbuds, turning on some music before trying to figure out what she felt like painting.

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