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maddy cursed as she ran through the woods, struggling to track lydia. she had nothing of the girl's to go off of, instead just basing her search off smells that didn't seem like they belonged in a forest; a list much longer than she thought it would have been.

she had noticed a trail of footprints in the woods about five minutes ago, and was now carefully trying to follow them as quickly as possible. time was of the essence if lydia had really been turned by peter, but she also needed to make sure she didn't lose the trail considering it was her only lead so far.

this was the first time derek had let her out of his sight since the night everything went down, and it was a welcome separation for the teenage girl. since they had finally accepted that their stay in beacon hills was permanent, the two had finally gotten a hotel room, which would have been wonderful news to maddy had derek allowed her to leave the room at all. she was on strict bed rest, allowed to do nothing besides sleep and eat. plus, she wasn't even allowed to eat good food. dictator derek chose her meals, all extremely healthy choices packed with protein and nutrients she "desperately needed" to get her strength back. he wasn't wrong, but in the mind of a sixteen year old girl, he was obviously just trying to ruin her life.

she had yet to tell him about the voice she heard, not realizing until later that night that it had been her mother's. derek was already stressed enough now that he was an alpha — something they were both still working on coming to terms with — along with taking care of her, and she didn't want to add anything else to that. so, when he asked if she was feeling well enough to try and find an escaped lydia, she quite literally jumped out of bed, changing her clothes and leaving within ten minutes.

she skidded to a stop, just barely avoiding running into a tree, when she heard what sounded like construction equipment. she had to admit, she felt better than she had in weeks after the little rest day derek forced on her. a week ago she would've had to stop for a couple minutes to get her breathing under control, her lack of self-care taking a toll on even her supernatural abilities. now, she was almost back to normal.

she realized where she was when she saw the headstone a few feet in front of her, recognizing the graveyard immediately. isaac's father owned it, meaning he was probably here, which was all the more reason for maddy to make sure lydia wasn't. while on bedrest, most of her time not sleeping or eating she spent texting the teenage boy, which was when she decided she wanted him to have no part of the supernatural world.

she went to run forward when she heard something crash, stopping herself when she recognized an all too familiar figure. a moment later she felt her body screaming at her to shift, followed by another wolf, she assumed an omega, sprinting into the woods a few feet away.

the brunette clenched her jaw as she watched her brother pull isaac out of the grave he had been digging, anger bubbling in her chest. she knew exactly what her brother was planning to do, and there was no way she could stop him. he may be her brother, but he was also her alpha now, and as she'd learned early on from both her mother and laura, there are certain lines you don't cross.

it suddenly made sense why derek had finally let her leave the hotel room: he had been expecting her to go on a wild goose chase. that she would end up at the cemetery was probably the last thing he expected, thinking she wouldn't find out about his plan until the deed had been done. however now, the only thing she could do was pray that this story had a different outcome than it did the last time she heard it.

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maddy let out the breath she had been holding as she saw isaac at his locker, her heart rate finally returning to a somewhat normal level. she had walked around almost the entire school trying to find him, her stress level increasing at every failed turn. she knew that just because he seemed fine right now didn't mean that everything was actually okay, but she would take the wins where she could get them.

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