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she should've stayed in new york. less than twenty-four hours after she got back to beacon hills, maddy was already in the middle of a life and death situation. granted, she was pretty sure scott's driving was going to kill them before the hunter chasing them had the chance to, but still, the situation was making her crappy time in new york seem like a spa day.

"scott, i don't really think you're grasping the concept of the car chase here," stiles said, the panic in his voice becoming more evident as he turned around to look past maddy out the back window. the hunter behind them was gaining on them, and scott didn't seem to be too concerned about speeding up.

"if i go any faster, i'll kill us!" scott yelled, cursing under his breath as he watched the car behind them speed up through the rearview mirror.

"why am i not driving? may i remind everyone that this is literally my car?" maddy asked, her annoyance clear.

"because no offense maddy, but you told scott it was okay if he killed you the other day, and i personally don't want to be killed, so it doesn't really seem like our priorities are matching up right now," stiles snapped, pulling out a walkie talkie to listen to the police radios. maddy sighed, leaning back in her seat.

"suspect is on foot, heading into the iron works," the radio crackled out. scott turned quickly, speeding to the iron works as fast as possible. maddy wasn't sure what happened between derek and scott while she was in new york since neither of the two would tell her, but she knew it was something important since they were both attempting to get along.

as soon as they spotted derek, stiles threw the passenger seat door of the camaro open, jumping into the backseat half on top of maddy in the same motion.

"ow! get off me you idiot," she mumbled as derek lunged into the car, scott speeding off before her brother even had a chance to close the door all the way. "derek, what part of lay low do you not comprehend?"

"i almost had him!" derek yelled, banging a fist against his window. "he was right in front of me, and then the police showed up."

"okay hey, they're just doing their jobs," stiles started, quieting down as he earned himself glares from both hale siblings.

"yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state," derek snapped, turning to glare at scott.

"can we seriously get past that? i made a dumbass mistake, i get it," scott sighed, turning in the direction of the warehouse they found out derek had been hiding in, since he obviously couldn't go back to their house.

"scott, getting a speeding ticket is a dumbass mistake. forgetting the key to your house is a dumbass mistake. you are just a monumental idiot who made a decision that only a monumental idiot can make," maddy said.

"can you just go back to how you found the alpha?" stiles asked, leaning past maddie to look at derek, who took one look at the teenager and went back to brooding out the window in silence.

"can you just try and trust us for at least half a second?" scott asked. derek looked between him and stiles, his eyebrows raised.

"do i have to repeat that you two just made me the most wanted fugitive in the state of california? but sure, let's all trust each other," derek said. "i trust one person in this car, so i'll talk to her, and you two idiots can listen quietly. got it?"

scott and stiles nodded, as derek turned around to look at maddy, who quite frankly, looked exhausted. he was beginning to worry about his sister, who looked like she was getting skinnier everyday. she sent him a smile when she noticed the worry in his eyes, but it looked like it was taking almost all of her energy to even do that.

"look, i didn't tell you this, but the last time i talked to laura, she was close to figuring something out. she found two things,"derek told her, her heart lurching at the mention of laura. "first was a guy named harris-"

"our chemistry teacher?" stiles interrupted, putting his hands up in defense as the two siblings glared at him again.

"yes, but i don't know why. i didn't realize it was him until maddy dragged me to parent teacher conferences a few weeks ago. the second was a symbol," he finished, pulling a wrinkled piece of paper out of his pocket. both maddy and scott sighed as they recognized the symbol, knowing that it couldn't mean anything good. "what, do you recognize this?"

"i've seen it on a necklace," maddy said, glancing at scott through the rearview mirror.

"allison's necklace," scott finished, speeding up.

♛ ♛ ♛

"there you are," isaac said, a smile on his face as he leaned against the door of the art room. maddy looked up, a smile on her face as well. the blond boy had texted her a few minutes ago about needing to talk to her, to which she had responded to meet her in the art room. "i actually had no idea where this place was, if i'm being honest."

"why didn't you say that? i would've cleaned all this up and met you somewhere else," maddy laughed, isaac shrugging before moving to sit on the table next to her. she set her pencil down, looking up at isaac. she was surprised to realize that he was the only real friend she had made since coming back to beacon hills. "so, what did you wanna talk about?"

"i actually wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the winter formal with me," he said, making maddy blink in surprise. she hadn't even realized there was a winter dance, let alone that someone would actually want to go with her. a genuine smile spread across her face as she looked at isaac, who looked incredibly nervous.

"i would love to," she said, a smile replacing his nervous expression. he glanced down at the paper in front of her, nodding towards it as he spoke.

"who's that?"

"my mom," she said, a sad smile on her face. "i uh, i've been missing her a lot recently. she always knew what to do, and um, right now it really would've been nice to be able to talk to her. when she was alive, my biggest concern was what color dress i was gonna wear to school that day."

"i know how you feel," isaac said, his voice sad. maddy looked at him, not realizing he had lost his mom as well. "my mom died a few years ago. cancer. my older brother died a year later in afghanistan. my dad took it the hardest."

"isaac, i'm so-" she choked, shaking her head. "i had no idea. i'm sorry."

"there's no way you could've. i don't really talk about it," he said, giving her a small smile. this one, unlike the one earlier, didn't reach his eyes. he got up from his place on the table, moving to sit on the stool next to maddy. "it never gets easier, does it?"

"if it does, i'd like a how-to guide, because nothing's working for me," she chuckled, wiping her eyes with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. she rested her head on isaac's shoulder, the two teens spending the rest of their lunch in a comfortable silence.

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