Wooho! Closed!

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Hello guys,

These are your hosts 1234jiana and RuthieBalo

This award was going on for so long that it also gave us stress 😂, but we are glad that we are finally done! Thank you for being patient with us! We know it must have been hard.

We thank you for participating in the Retrograde Awards; both the Judges and the participants.

We know that some of you might not won the rewards, but speaking from experience, I (Jiana) haven't won that many awards either. Just one or two which I am honestly shocked about.

But, I do not join these awards just to win a sticker, I join to get the reviews because they are the real reward. Someone took their time and read your book to give you a review. Which is so amazing!

Please use your review to help your book grow. We know all of you can do it. There were so many books here that have the potential to become New York's best seller and we are not kidding about that.

If you need resources on how to improve your writings, just dm 1234jiana or check out my reading list named "Writing Tips"

We wish you all the good luck.

Lastly, we want to say thank you to those judges who took their time to help us. We truly appreciate all what you have done for us. Thank you so much!

To all the winners including tag winners, the participants, and the Judges, please dm us to avail your stickers and the rewards mentioned.

Also, to those who enjoyed our award or want to learn more about our community, please join us. We are hiring all sorts of people.

Let's enjoy the old times.

Peace out!

-The Vintage Community

-The Vintage Community

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