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No One POV:

     In 1629 Susanna Cullen gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. "Oh he's so beautiful. What should we name him?" She asks her husband. Isaac smiles down at his son.

    "How about Henley Cullen after my father," he says touching his son's hair. Susanna nods with a smile. She looks down at her son, Henley Cullen. Isaac's smile falls slightly as he really takes a look at his son.

      His eyes are blue but his son's are hazel and his hair is blonde but Henley's is brunette. He doesn't think much of it as he's sure his hair will lighten when he's older.

    His wife's eyes are hazel. But as Henley grew his hair stayed the same but he started gaining girly features. Isaac had a doctor come take a look at his son.

    The doctor checked Henley over. "Well Mr. and Mrs. Cullen it seems that your son is a rare case. He is a she but was born with a penis," he tells them patting Henley's head gently.

    Isaac looks at his child in distaste. "Like a hermaphrodite?" Susanna asks picking up her child and setting her on her hip. The doctor shook his head. "No, a hermaphrodite has both sexes. I believe the term your looking for is Intersex, Mrs. Cullen he smiles at her slightly.

She nods slowly and smiles at Henley. Isaac can't believe his wife can smile at that...... that abomination. He snaps and grabs the doctor, dragging him to the door.

"You do not speak of this, to no one. You hear me," Isaac ordered making the doctor nod quickly then leave. Isaac slams the door feeling humiliated. He walks back seeing his wife playing with it.

"We're gonna have to change your name," she coo's tickling her child. Isaac scowls as it walks towards him with its arms up with a smile. "Papa up."

He pushes it away making Henley fall to the floor and cry. Susanna gasps, "Isaac!" She picks up her child, holding her to her chest.

After that incident Isaac has been mean to Hayley 'Susanna changed her child's name to Hayley' as she got older, he calls her names and sometimes even hitting her.

Hayley doesn't know why her father hates her so much but she still tries everything to make him proud but nothing ever works.

In 1640 Susanna gave birth to a boy and the doctor confirmed that this time it really is a boy. "Hayley, sweetheart, this is your baby brother," Susanna pats the spot next to her on the bed.

11 year old Hayley looks up with a smile but it falters as she noticed her father glaring at her with disgust. She gulps and looks down scared. "Come on, sweetie. It's okay," Susanna reassured after witnessing her husband glaring at Hayley.

Hayley bit her lip and wrung her hands together nervously. She very hesitantly took a step forward and climbed on the bed next to her mother. Susanna carefully set the baby in Hayley's arms.

"What's his name, mama," Hayley looks down at the baby in awe. Susanna smiles, "his name is Carlisle Cullen." Hayley smiles touching his chubby cheek and he opens his eyes that are blue.

"Hi Carlisle, I'm your big sister Hayley," she coo's kissing his head. "Alright that's enough. Give the baby back to your mother," Isaac said stepping closer in a threatening manner. Hayley flinches and hands her little brother to her mother.

Sadly shortly after giving birth, Susanna had died because her health wasn't good enough. As the years went by Carlisle was attached to Hayley's hip always wanting to be with her.

Oh how Isaac hated it. His pride and joy was getting too close to the mistake. That's what Hayley was to him a mistake, an abomination. He often asks god what he did to deserve that.

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