ニ十四 Unwanted Company

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Levi's POV

As the higher ups permitted to attend this crucial meeting flood the room, I do my best to hide how eager I am to hear what Erwin has to say.

Almost immediately after we made it to the refuge of the underground tunnels that were the source of our escape, I wanted to find Erwin and Four Eyes and talk about what our next move would be. Obviously, I missed out on some important information.

However, with one look at Kaira's weighed down expression, I knew that it would have to wait. Without someone to knock some sense into her, she'd probably end up getting trampled in our evacuation while lost in a haze.

As I predicted, she stupidly blamed herself for that girl's death. I almost didn't come to the meeting because I knew she'd continue to drown. However, I realized that it really isn't any of my business. Personal matters shouldn't interfere with what we do here, death is inevitable when you're in the Survey Corps.

I shouldn't have to feel responsible for her troubles, or anyone else's, for that matter. What I am responsible for, is attending meetings for our next move concerning the turd called Elias. Beside me, Four Eyes has been rambling on about how they managed to surround us so discreetly ever since I walked in. Of course, I pay her no attention as I wait for the meeting to commence.

Almost as if on cue, Erwin clears his throat loudly, catching the eyes of everyone in the room.

"As I'm sure most of you have been wondering since that announcement I made after leaving the tunnels," he starts with a stone like expression, "There was a reason Hange and I made the decision to tell everyone."

There we go. Let's get down to the good stuff.

All of a sudden, Hange decides to speak up from the chair next to me. "We assumed that the traitor in question would have the natural instinct to stay out of the limelight as much as possible. From there, we can narrow down who is really at fault based on who we have the least confirmed information on."

After hearing that explanation, I remember Kaira's own theory that she voiced just before this. Even in the midst of the emotional turmoil she was going through, she was able to deduct that much in only a small amount of time. Her brains really do impress me on occasion. Of course, I try to say it sparingly to keep her relatively humble. Humility is my main means of discipline, and what I use to keep all of my subordinates in line. To reach that level all depends on what sort of consequences it may require.

Eren, for example, needed a beating or two from the day I met him. The Kirstein boy, or as the children like to call him, Horseface, could use the occasional name calling. That ego of his is extremely annoying.

That's only a couple names from the list of people who irritate me.

"Only you all, a select few, are allowed to know this because you are the only ones guaranteed to be trustworthy," Erwin continues, grabbing my attention once again. "Hange will be leading the investigation. In the meantime, I will be traveling to Sina, trying to work all of this mess out with the other military commanders. I leave tomorrow morning, and Hange will be hosting a meeting later in the day regarding just how interrogations will be carried out."

The room floods with a chorus of acknowledgements from the other squad leaders, but I stay quiet in thought. What is Erwin thinking, going to Sina? Working it out with the other military commanders won't do anything to fix this mess. If anything, we need him here to keep order. Four Eyes isn't capable of being in charge of jack.

Once he manages to cool down the remainder of the comments, Erwin adds a few concluding thoughts, then ends the meeting by leaving abruptly. I rush out of the room in a hurry, my mood suddenly flipped from when I first entered in a curious haze.

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