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[[ bass-playing sassy puppy, aka cal ]]

only two teachers were there to supervise. so getting them out of our way of partying would be easy.

once we arrived everything was peaceful.

the smell of trees, barbecue and swear clung to the air.

this site was jam packed with trailers, tents, food, and most importantly, hot girls.

hot. fucking. girls.

oh, and there was the woods.

the woods seemed mystical from afar.

there was an aspect of danger and mystery that hung around them like spikes.

the branches twisting in every direction, daring me to go in.

i almost did.

i could've been dead.

luckily i was saved by luke's constant desire to check up on everyone.

"hey dude, why don't we go and talk with some girls and you know socialize."

thankfully, my feet followed leaving behind what could have made me the first death of the night.

but that fate happened to an unlucky student much later.

THE WOODSWhere stories live. Discover now