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[[ curly haired kangaroo, aka ash ]]

i wandered for some time until I decided i was far enough from the camp that i could expose my penis.

it was the dark but i, being the smart person that i am, brought a neon pink flashlight.

i was just beginning to undo pants when i saw the shadow.

the two shadows.

two shadows that belonged to two human beings.

one of which was a tall boy a little older than i, that was holding a gun pointed straight at me.

the other one was hidden between the trees but i could tell he was also very tall.

my first instinct was to run. and that's what i did. i ran and yelled but i doubt anyone ever heard me.

if the ashton yells and no one is around to hear him does he really yell?

i couldn't answer my own damn question because all i heard was a gun shot.

and i knew.

i knew just as my vision started going blurry that i wouldn't get to see my friends another day.

my last thought was that i never got to fucking pee and then everything went pitch oil black.

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