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[[ skyscraper quiff boy, aka luke ]]

jordan picked up any weapon-like objects we could find.

this included:
- a butter knife
- two sharp pencils
- two water guns (which we filled up with some hot sauce)
- a bb gun
- and a flashlight

"i call the bb gun," said jordan, "i've gone hunting with a gun before."

"well so have i," i demanded.

that only earned me a are-you-serious look from her.

i gave up my attempts of being manly.

i think i lost my ego at some point when we were walking.

we began walking in silence again hoping it was in the direction of the killer.

or maybe the killers.

(not the band, sadly)

"you really suck at being stealthy," jordan whispered.

"yo i'm like seven feet tall don't judge," i defended.

"yeah seven feet tall but not one smart cell in there," she laughed quietly.

"wow shots fired man," i said.

she smirked.

"i told you i was good with a gun."

i stayed still.

and she just kept on walking.

"yeah and you just shot my heart," i murmured.

i didn't think she had heard what i said, but then again i didn't think this trip would turn out so horribly wrong.

all because of the fucking woods.

((Sorry I'm sorta late on this chapter, school shit and yeah :// woo Jordan and Luke thoooo. But actually though that entire conversation ["shots fired" "told you I was good with a gun" "and you just shot my heart"] actually happened to me ahahah))

THE WOODSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ