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Hey y'all so I decided when this book reaches 2k reads I'm gonna do a character ask. Would you guys be down for that?

[[ curly haired kangaroo, aka ash ]]

(( n/a haha bet you didn't expect to see another chapter from his pov ))

let me tell you something.

heaven is definitely not what it's cut out to be.

it's like you're walking on glass, and you can see the earth underneath you, but it's out of reach.

"hello ashton," a voice said.

my eyes soon saw the beholder of the voice and damn, i didn't know they had hot angel girls in heaven.

"am i in heaven?" i asked, but instantly realized that was a dumb question.

"not exactly," the woman said, "normally once you've died you would go to heaven, but there are always those special cases."

"special cases?" i questioned. this couldn't be good.

"your soul is still trapped on earth until you do a specific task," she replied.

"what kind of specific task?" i had too many questions to ask her but i thought those could wait.

"ashton. you need to save your friends."

(( fuck I know this is bad and you probably are thinking "bella? What tf are you doing?" just bear with me plz. AND NO THIS DOES NOT MEAN ASHTON IS COMING BACK ALIVE. HE'S DEAD Y'ALL. HE'S BASICALLY A GHOST NOW AND GONNA DO GHOST LIKE THINGS K? ))

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