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[[ kitten with highlighter hair, aka mikey ]]

i was making my way back,

or at least trying to.

following the sounds of sirens wasn't very hard.

they were probably collecting evidence,

questioning people that were still here

(which probably wasn't many).

i would look back every so often,

dreading that there would be someone behind me

and hoping that my friends would turn up so i could give them a manly hug.

one half of those things came true.

i looked back once more and no one was there.

i looked back a second time and there was a person standing there.

a person with a shaved head and a face that looked like it had gone through too much to be young.

a person with a look of a psychopath.

one who didn't fear blood.

one who possibly even liked it.

but for whatever reason something was holding the psychopath back.

she seemed as if she was trying to escape the grip of someone's hand.

i had never been religious,

but i quietly thanked whoever sent me an angel.

i began to run before the angel couldn't hold the murderer any longer.

only i tripped on a flashlight.

a hot pink flashlight.

a flashlight in which i finally recognized as ashton's.

ashton was dead.

and i was thinking that all of his friends were too.

anger surged through him.

how dare this person just kill his best friends.

there wasn't a bone in my body that didn't want to see that girl dead.

instead of running away, i began running towards.

towards my possible last breath.

but towards vengeance.

they say revenge is a dish best deserved cold.

i say revenge is a dish best served instantly.

i got pushed back by a gust of wind, as if someone were pushing me not to get near.

a warning from my angel.

i heard footsteps coming from the direction that i should've been running.

"is anyone here?" someone shouted.

"come quick! please!" i shouted.

the voices got nearer and nearer.

and the footsteps quicker and quicker.

but my angel couldn't hold the psychopath  any longer.

she came barreling towards me, knife in hand.

i tried to get away,

but not before the knife came in contact with my skin.

they must have throwing lessons at the medical clinic.

i felt hands grab me and the weight of my body being dragged.

and all through that,

there were two thoughts on my mind.

my beloved friends

and the horrifying woods.

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