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[[ bass-playing sassy puppy, aka cal ]]

i put the phone on speaker so the others could hear.

"hi m'aam. okay, well my friends and i go to school at edgewood highschool and we're on the outdoor education field trip and basically there's a psychotic murderer trying kill everyone," i said rapidly hoping, no, praying she heard everything.

our breaths were in sync as we waited for the woman on the other end to reply.

sophie was looking around, the poor girl paranoid that we were going to die.

we most likely were.

"psychotic murderer you said? well in the past three hours there has been patient that has escaped our mental facility. we believed everyone was already warned about them," the woman replied, "we'll send help right now."

we were relieved.

but the feeling of relief soon disappeared when we realized that it would take the police at least two hours to get here.

two hours in which more people would be brutally murdered.

two hours in which -

sophie's soft voice broke my thoughts, "i really need to go to the bathroom, it won't take long i swear."

before michael and i could stop her, she ran off quickly.

"i better go after her in case she needs my manly help," i laughed and began to  jog to catch up to her.

i was jogging when my clothes got stuck in a tree branch.

the branch looked like it warning me not to go after sophie.

but i did.

i did learn a few things after this was all over. 

we all make some pretty terrible decisions.

make sure yours don't cost someone's life.

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