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[[ skyscraper quiff boy, aka luke ]]

another one bites the dust.

calum hood.

the womanizer.

at least that's what everyone perceived him as.

pity no one got a chance to see the real him.

since ashton and i miserable failed at saving our friend, all three of us had our undivided attention to michael.


the one most likely to be dead due to his lack of interest in any form of physical activity is alive.

fucking alive.

fucking breathing and giving carbon dioxide to plants.

we were determined to help him.

he was attempting to make his way back to the clearing.

looking for the signs of cops.

screaming for help.

"so what are we gonna do if someone tries to kill michael?" ashton asked.

"we better do a better job than when someone tried to kill me and succeed," calum whined.

"stop being salty just because you're dead," ashton muttered under his breath.

we were currently walking behind michael.

(more like hovering above the ground.)

i believe michael could sense our presence, or something of sorts.

he would occasionally turn back and look straight at us.

either that or he was paranoid.

all was going well until calum (who was on duty of looking behind us) spotted a shadow.

"guys, guys, guys," calum's words grew louder, "we've got a killer behind us."

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