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[[ bass-playing sassy puppy, aka cal ]]

we began walking again.

only now we had company.

company in the form of a fucking hot girl.

we walked without direction only hoping that somehow the phone would magically get a signal.

walking. walking. walking.

that was all we did until we stumbled upon a neon pink flashlight.

"shit. there was someone here," i said.

"way too go captain obvious," michael muttered under his breath.

where people went missing, is where the murderer was.

we grabbed the flashlight.

happy to be able to have a source of light besides the moon, and headed in the opposite direction.

that's when we something show up in the top left corner of michael's phone.

one little dot.

one glorious little dot.

one little dot that brought all three of closer to human contact and farther away from the murderer.

or so we thought.

(A/n if you don't have an iPhone the little dot on the top left corner of the screen is cell reception)

THE WOODSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora