Chapter 12

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Hiiii everyone. I am back and here is the new chapter. I hope you all will like it. Also, the update will be alow for a while since my exams are getting closer.

Also if you have any ideas that you want to see in this story ahead. Don't hesitate to let me know by commenting. I might write those in this story.  Sorry for making you
wait for so long.


Wen Ruohan lounged on his throne as he looked down at the disciples kneeling before him. He could feel anger boiling within him at the mere thought that someone had actually dared to steal from him. With a furious roar, he threw the glass of wine in his hand. It shattered against the wall into a million pieces. His servants standing nearby flinched as the impact reverberated within the room.

He had only left the room for a few minutes. How could anyone have stolen the Yin seal from him in such a small time frame? One thing he couldn't figure out was who did it and why they needed the seal. He had expended so much effort in collecting it over many years, just for all of it to be gone in a single moment.

He would find the seal and take it back at any cost.

I won’t fail again.

Wen Ruohan stepped down the stairs slowly and fixed his steely gaze on the disciples who were kneeling and some even trembling hard. "So, who stole it? Confess now and I might spare you." 

One of the disciples protested, "Sect Leader Wen, none of us stole it. We would never do this and betray you." At this, all the other disciples started murmuring among themselves in agreement. 

"If none of you did it, then go investigate and find out who did!" Wen Ruohan snapped. 

The disciples staggered upwards and bowed, turning to make their exit.

He had only needed 2 more pieces of the Yin seal to complete his preparations. Wen Ruohan gritted his teeth. He could not bring himself to wait any longer. Just as the disciples were about to exit the room, he commanded, "I have decided we will do the ritual without the Seal. Start preparing."

"Yes, Sect Leader.” they chorused. 

One of the Wen whispered to his friend, "I feel bad for Sect Leader Wen. He’s trying so hard to reach his goal but someone stole the Seal. I hope it is a success this time."

"Yes, You are right. Sect Leader Wen deserves happiness as well." his friend responded with a coy smile.

A few hours later, Wen Ruohan entered the room where the preparations had been made. The Wen Disciples had already gathered there and were looking at him expectantly. Wen Ruohan gave a satisfied nod. “Good. We will start now. Close the door and make sure no one disturbs me."

Two disciples bowed and pulled the door shut. Wen Ruohan took four candles, each one lit and with a flame flickering at its tip. He placed them on each end of the circle pointing to a different direction: North, South, East, and West. He clasped his hand and recited the incantation to begin the ritual.

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